Chapter.13. Kitchen

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Amebo(Ah meh bor): The act of not minding your business .


The perfect word that describes my snooping. I can't seem to stay in one place.

My amebo self just seem to find stepping out of my business comforting. Take now for instance,I had earlier planned to take a shower and change into comfortable clothes before going to find something to eat. But no...... I just have to be an amebo and decide to snoop every crook and crane of this room,after taking a shower and changing to comfortable clothing.

I now know this room house a hidden door_which looks like an office space_,behind the walk in closet and the cloths in every area of the closet where arranged and set base on color.

The bed has drawers attached to it frame with snacks in them. The vanity table_thats beautiful by the way_ currently display and store beauty products from skin to hair,to you name it.

But that's not what would really be classified as a true amebo in Nigeria.

The true amebo here is that I left my room after my assessment, in search for food but instead of finding the kitchen,I found myself hiding behind Osage's slightly open door as he tries to appease a lady who was not hearing anything coming from his mouth.

Her acting of pretense is top notch. Poor Osage.

I know what you're thinking. I should have left, giving him privacy. I swear I was going to do just that,but when I heard something that peeked my interest,I just had to stay.

"So I should just what,flush the baby in the toilet". The lady snapped,her voice raising.

"Lower your voice and no that's not what I'm saying". Osage whispered trying to hold on to the lady but she moved back, looking away.

He sigh, rubbing his face in frustration.

"Babe,abeg naw" My eyes went round in shock. I've heard Osage beg but like this. This was something else.

This lady really means a lot to him.

The lady sigh facing Osage."You have to choose ".

Osage mouth falls open. "What?" He ask her wanting to be sure what he heard wasn't a figment of his imagination.

"You heard me". The lady walking away from my line of sight.

I watch as Osage close his eyes, taking a needed breath before it rain out of his mouth. He repeated this exercise three more times. "Babe you know I can't". Osage threw his arms positioned at his side out, silently calling onto his love.

"So you're saying your grandfather is more important than our child". The voice of the lady which was now getting on my nerves demanded shouting.

"Shuuu......" Osage quickly turn to the door to make sure no one was looking and I quickly step aside, narrowly missing the artificial plant beside the door.


"Please lower your voice onyx is asleep" I step back to my former position,just as Osage walked to where his girlfriend was sited making me lose visual of the both of them.

"You see what I've being saying" She didn't take heed to Osage's warning as her voice took a higher pitch.

"Babe please, let's just leave this matter for another day". A peng of pity slapped me in the face at Osage's voice took a pleading note almost like he was about to cry.

"No. If you won't take responsibility then there's no need for us to be together ". The lady yelled, shoving Osage aside.The clicking of heels told me she was coming my way.

I weighed my options. I won't have much time to run back the way I came without been caught, all thanks to my leg.

Instead I took a step back, righting myself Infront of the door with my hands raise like I was about to knock and just then the door bust open with an angry lady dressed in a beautiful red off the shoulder dress that stopped above her knees, accentuating her curves in the right place _no wonder Osage is into her_.

I scan her face, giving her kudos for how well her makeup complement her face, bringing to life her doe likes eyes and small lips that was coated n nude color piñ

" should be resting" Osage's worried voice made me realize how rude I was staring at his girlfriend.

Finding my tongue. "I'm sorry I'll come back". I said turning to leave.

"No need I was just leaving" the lady stopped me, rolling her eyes at Osage.

"Mtchewwwww...."she hiss walking away leaving as the click of her heels left an awkward silence between Osage and I.

I turn to Osage who had dark circles litter user his eyes,with his hands rubbing the back of his neck.

"Do you need something". I watch as he try to muster a smile but failed.

"Food" I squeak which drew a half smile from him.

"Come on" he nodded his head holding out his hands towards me.

I decide to push all my anger to the back burner, letting him have a break today. I took hold of his hands as he slowly lead me to the kitchen.

I gasp encountering the rotunda beauty in front of me.

I couldn't say I was Surprised but I was shocked. This kitchen is every woman's dream.

What drew me in was the vast amount of space. A room to roam free without anything obstructing you.

As I glide through the heart of the kitchen I was more than amaze by the state of the art technology in this kitchen, a dance of contrasts unfolds before your eyes.

The crackling fireplace whispers tales of tradition, its warm embrace drawing you in. Amidst this cozy nostalgia, modernity takes center stage - stainless steel appliances glisten like stars in the night, while a futuristic touchscreen panel hums with a symphony of possibilities. Here, time converges, blending the essence of yesteryears with the promise of tomorrow, beckoning you to partake in a culinary journey that transcends mere cooking.

The sink stands as a gleaming oasis, its polished surface reflecting the play of light from above.

The countertops, a canvas of sleek elegance, offer ample space for culinary creations to unfold. The fridge, a modern marvel, hums softly in the background, its cool embrace holding treasures of fresh produce and delights waiting to be discovered.

Every detail in this space whispers a tale of harmonious coexistence between the timeless and the contemporary, inviting you to immerse yourself in a world where past and present intertwine seamlessly.

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