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* The picture is here to help you guys understand better a movement she will use during her fight. I wasn't sure if I described it correctly enough for you guys to understand so here it is. Hope you have a great read! 😘 *

I can't believe how much a recycled popsicle stick can make me nervous. We each picked a wooden stick from the pot. The one who would get the stick marked with a star would be the first to spar if it was me and Jiwoo who got it while if it was Jisuk, he would have the choice. Let's just say that this simple information made my hands sweat enough to now have the capability to flood the Sahara desert. 

I can't wait to smack that jackass' smugness away, but at the same time, I keep wondering what kind of fight should I deliver to make Kayden proud? I didn't have time to brood more than that because everyone soon decided to finally pick our sticks to quickly behold the first match.




It's me.


Damn it! I should have know with my legendary luck! I began playing with my hair, twirling it nervously while Inhuyk went to install the alarm that would beep the beginning of our fight. I sprinted to the bleachers to take off my jewelry when Kayden suddenly whispered surprising me as I wasn't aware of his presence:

-Why are you fidgeting so much?

-What are you talking about, I am super chill.

-What, are you scared to lose?

- I am not afraid of that!

-So you are frightened about something!

- Sigh, just answer this simple question: What kind of fight should I show you? Winning might be a stretch but I still want to... you know...

- Want to what?

-Oh my god, you really can't read social cues, I want to make you proud!


At that, quietness. I didn't know if he was cringed, shy or touched about my words as he kept on an indifferent expression. That same he uses whenever I catch him deeply questioning something. After a few seconds, he signed at me to get closer to him before whacking me in the head, he then interrogated:

- Why would you fight to make me proud? Did you forget your oath already?

-OUCH... Huh?

-I didn't and will never ask you to win a fight. Defeat only stays temporary as long as you are alive and current people you lose too can still be won against later. Most importantly, are you having fun right now, shivering about my approval?


-Then why would you even need it? Isn't your new motto to be free and to always enjoy yourself? Now I wont ever demand a win from you but I will order you to uphold your promises. Now go out there, put on a smile and improve!

His words couldn't have reassured me more. It was like the sun after the storm, illuminating me to not forget my beliefs. He is right! It isn't my type to fret over such things. Let's just get out there and do my thing! Punishing jerks is my speciality so let give this Jisuk guy a good beating and make him unable to touch Jiwoo ever again!

It is time for a little revenge.

We both faced each other. Looking at Jiwoo and Kayden made me put on a victorious smirk while a plan was carefully constructed in my brain. First thing that I had to take into consideration, I knew his ability, he didn't know mine. I had to bet on that fact and find a way to make him lower his guard, then surprise him at the right moment. For that, I could use my joker: changing the properties of my water. My strategy finally completed, the alarm rang and Jisuk began circling me analyzing. I immediately ran in his direction raising four water ropes from the ground. The only ick was that they didn't look like water. I changed their appearances and texture to imitate long green vines. Seeing how earth is known to be weak against wind, he will approach more confidently and I heard somewhere that the best moment to kill a hunter was when they were sure to catch their prey. They wrapped around his legs and arms keeping him still when I was getting close enough to land a kick which I promptly did.

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