Chapter 6: CAN'T I GET A BREAK?

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My first reaction was to let go of my paint brushes to run beside Jiwoo. I was quite creeped out by the sight so the sunshine reassuringly took my hand as we went to open the door. We did so because if he wanted to harm us, he wouldn't have called beforehand and announced his presence thus we thought we could trust him. In addition, he had a nice aura. As Jiwoo and him sat on the divan, I went to the kitchen to brew Jasmine tea. When I came back with a tray of three tea cups, Jiwoo and Inhuyk were already conversing.

- Allow me to get straight to the point, we recently found out about your powers and we want to help you as awakened ones. We manage the awakeners of this area you see.

- He then let out a slight gust of mind twirl in his hands. Certainly to show us that he was an awakener too.

- Wow! How amazing! Jiwoo praised. I can move really fast! He added.

- For my part, my power is more functional if it is kept hidden so sorry but I won't say shit.

- Hahaha, do not worry, it is recommended as most awakeners choose to hide their powers. It is actually the mistake that most new awakeners make.

- Ah!Thank you for telling me. Jiwoo reacted.

- Quick change of subjects but what did you mean by "we"? I wondered.

- As it is dangerous for an awakener to remain alone, groups began to form. I am from the organization managing this district: Shinwa. Meaning, all young awakeners here are under our protection and surveillance.

After a few more explanations, he left and Kayden informed us more about this Shinwa organization. It was apparently led by one of the top rankers of Korea, Jiyoung Yoo who was someone with the reputation to be trustable. At the end of his explanation, he took a serious tone and warned us about the incoming events.

- The fun and games are over. You two are now officially recognized as awakened ones. You will need to get stronger if you want to survive.

- But why is the awakeners' world that dangerous?Wondered Jiwoo.

- Do you really think that us greedy humans would behave like angels after receiving such dominant abilities?

- No, there are obviously going to be people who want to take advantage of those to gain influence,money or just the satisfaction of being influential, I replied.

- Exactly, continually seeking power is most awakener's primary goal. So until your injuries heal completely, keep using the control technique I taught you to refine and strengthen your abilities.

- Yes sir! We both promised.

Weekend being over the following day, we bid our goodbyes to the cats and Kayden before going to school early in the morning. During our walk, Jiwoo shared with me his worry for Wooin since the last time we saw him and his professor. I have to admit that after fighting by his side, I can't get myself to resent him for what he did to Jiwoo anymore and I am also getting anxious for him.

- Next time I will see him, I will try to have a nice chat with him and see if he could be a potential friend for you.

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