Chapter 3: I'M FEELING BAD...

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- Let's go look for the cat now!

- You don't need to, it is already here.

Like he said, the monster cat was growling at us from the top of the stairs. I took the confused orange cat and put him farther from us so that he could watch on the sidelines without danger. After all,he might be powerful but he is currently still injured.

- Step back Mr. Kayden! Said Jiwoo protectively.

- You two are really strange. Telling me to stand back.

Jiwoo staring in the monster cat's eyes, spoke:

- You came to our house some time ago. What happened to you in the time we didn't see you?

- Wait? Are you serious , but I don't remember his face at all...

- Well he changed a lot but he still has his scar.

The gray cat then jumped towards Jiwoo, interrupting our dialogue. As we heard Kayden scream at him to get away, Jiwoo swiftly evaded the deadly claws with his super-speed. The attacks kept coming but Jiwoo had no difficulty dodging all of them. I could see that he was waiting for the ideal time to use Kayden's power. After all, we could only use it for a short amount of time. Waiting for the right moment to deliver that one hit which would end the fight was our only way to win. If I tried to help with my measly fists, I would only be a burden. The only way that I can be of help to Jiwoo right now is by creating the perfect moment for that one final strike to happen. So I raised my hand towards the beast and focused my power on increasing the pressure of the flow of my water. My goal was to make a thin water rope to take the cat's ability to jump and keep it on the ground by tying its paws with it.Therefore, Jiwoo who understood my intentions, jumped on the surrounding walls to take momentum and strike the cat down since it was now trapped on the ground.

- I'm sorry cat!He apologized.


After the smoke from the explosion's impact dispersed, I approached Jiwoo who was panting on the ground, tired. I simply sat on the ground beside him and rested my head on his shoulder. I always get exhausted after changing the properties of the water I control. The other day, I tried to test what was the maximum time that I could use my ability to ward off my boredom. I then learned that if I used only simple attacks like splashing unformed water, I could last all day. But I can also precise my manipulations by making it take a form, increasing its pressure, changing its color, its scent, its taste. That is a lot more draining to do since I am changing the nature of my element. For that reason, I can last only 5 minutes. Afterwards, my body loses all its strength. Thinking back on that day, I remember that Jiwoo scolded me like crazy when he found me on the living room's carpet half-dead. While we were resting, Kayden approached us asking:

- You both were so confident during the fight, was it thanks to your powers?

- Haha... He is not dead is he?

- No, just knocked out.

Now that it was unconscious on the ground, the monster shrunk back to its original cat form.

- So it was you! Affirmed Jiwoo.

- Oh no, it really was a tiny cat, now I am feeling bad!

- No time to linger guys, people will come. We made a ruckus, hurried Kayden.

We went back home and I regretfully took off my now destroyed blue hoodie.The sacrifices that heroes must make are terrible. I then went to pour some iced coffees for me and Jiwoo and some milk for Kayden. I bought everything on a plate to put on the living room's small table, while Jiwoo finished the gray kitty's bandages.

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