Chapter seven

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Gerard seemed very, exited. He was practically jumping up and down at the idea of what we would do when we got into his home. I had driven there, speeding because I was honestly even more exited then he was. He may have been tapping his foot and his fingers in unison but i, I had more issues than just being horny and exited for something I didn't know would happen 100% yet.

I had a boner.

It was oddly painful too. Skinny jeans were not my friend when I was horny. I adjusted the way I was sitting to try and make it more comfortable but something rubbed against my jeans and I groaned loudly.

Gerard's eyes went very wide and he slowly turned his head to look at me.

"My balls hurt."

I said to him, very straightforward.

"Where there's balls, there's a banana." He said, straight face, completely serious.


I looked so surprised and I was honestly taking a long time to process what he had just said to me.

"Get your banana out, Oreo." He said. He stared out of the window and smirked, knowing exactly what he was doing.

"Just you wait, baby. Just you wait." I held onto the steering wheel so hard where my knuckles had turned white. Gerard bit his lip as I pulled into the driveway.

I didn't waste time opening multiple doors. I picked Gerard up out of his seat and took him out of the car through my door. He giggled. I kissed his neck one time and he unlocked the door to the house.

"Is anyone home, baby?" I whispered to him.

He shook his head quickly, then, he hopped out of my arms and ran upstairs, holding my hand, directing me to his bedroom. When I had walked in, I noticed all the drawings on the walls, and all the bright colors in his room. And his closet, where I saw a few items of clothing I really wanted him to try on for me.

"Gee?" I whispered, my hands on his hips.

"Hmm?" He replied. It was barely a sound, almost bit able to be heard, but I heard him.

"I want you to dress up for me." I gripped his hips and whispered my words in his ear.

I heard his breath hitch but he quickly nodded, running to his closet and closing the door so he could change.


As soon as he told me what to do, I ran to the closet and knew exactly what I wanted to wear.

I put on red lace underwear that I thought he may like. I also put on a red shirt skirt that barely covered anything. It was leather. I put on a leather top that matched the skirt. I bit my lip imagining what he would do to me.

Also, I had hoped he enjoyed what I enjoyed. Bdsm. I loved it. Roughness. Being tied up. That was what I loved. I had handcuffs and rope and various other things that I had purchased mainly because it was what I enjoyed experimenting with.


I was waiting, impatiently, for Gerard to come out of the closet because I needed to see what he was wearing. I needed to see him in general because I needed him.


He walked out of the closet. "Get over here, Gerard." I said almost sternly as soon as I saw him. God he looked so good. He walked to me and kept his head down but he lifted his eyes up and bit his lip. I noticed something else he had on. A necklace. A choker. Leather. It had a silver ring on it. I had seen those before. I was supposed to pull it.

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