Chapter 7 - ubers

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——Lucy's perspective——

I woke up at 7:03. I slept in a little because I went to bed late. I didn't have anywhere to be until later, so I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. I wasn't really tired but I wasn't really ready to wake up either, so I just sat there thinking about random things. The first of those thoughts was Tim. The next is the plans for the bar tonight with him and some others from the station. I was really anxious about it. Then I grab my phone and get up. I go to the kitchen and pour a glass of water. I peek into Jackson's room, and he's still asleep. I make myself a cream cheese bagel and sit on the couch as I eat and scroll through my photos app. I don't know why I chose that over an article or web page or social media. I see some photos of me, some of Nolan, and a video from a while back when Jackson stole my phone and recorded himself running around the apartment for fun. Once I finish my quick breakfast I head out. 'be home soon' I write on a sticky. Today I actually had errands to run. Maybe going to Target on a weekend wasn't the smartest choice. I drove around the lot for 10 minutes before finding an empty spot that a silver minivan just pulled out of the spot. I park my car and head inside. I went here first because I didn't need anything specific, it just gets me in the mood for shopping. I looked at the furniture I desired to have but ultimately couldn't afford and didn't need. I bought a CD of a new album. Although I have access to music at the touch of my phone screen I like collecting them. I have an old CD player I bought when I was 16 and it still works quite well. I also bought myself a sprite. I paid at self checkout. When I got back to my car I put the CD in the glove box, and the sprite in the cup holder. I then went to a plaza with a few different clothing stores. I strolled around a bit and noticed that it was almost lunch, so I checked out with a pair of light blue jeans, another darker pair, and an assorted pack of thin headbands. I brought them to my car and stopped at subway, and then went to the grocery store.
(Note: it was at this moment I realized grocery stores are by region.)
Grocery shopping concludes my errands, and I get home around 2. Jackson's up so I have him help with the groceries. From there I go to my room and read for 2 hours. There's still 2 1/2 hours until we leave, and I have no idea what to pass them with. Lucky me, I have a roommate I can bug. I walk out of my room and see Jackson in the living room. I go and join him "what are you doing?" I ask him.
"I found a video explaining accents and it's really interesting" he looks up from his laptop for just a second to say. I actually don't really care so I go on my phone. I see new texts in the group chat
——🚔Cruiser clique💋——
Angela: Anyone not drinking? Or should we all do Ubers
Nyla: Ubers. 100%
Lucy: yeah, Ubers.

——Lucy's perspective——
I think we're taking Ubers. Nyla named the group chat even though we don't call them cruisers. She just likes alliteration. I think it's funny. I tell Jackson we're Ubering. He's in the chat, but he's not checked. I decide to clean up around the apartment, because I have nothing better to do. It's not that messy, but we've not deep cleaned in a while because we were busy all the time as rookies. Jackson goes to hide in his room because he wants no part in this. Cleaning helps me pass the time, and I can think about what to wear. I have my whole wardrobe memorized so I like to mentally pick outfits while I do other things. Sometimes I still need extra time to choose something. By the time I'm done with the living room, I have 40 minutes to get ready. I put all the supplies away and then go get changed. I picked a red floral blouse with a black pleated skirt. It didn't really look right, so I exchanged it for a white cropped long sleeve. I go to do some makeup. By the time I finish getting ready, it's time to leave. I walk into the living room, and yell to Jackson "you ready?" And he comes out of his room and says "yeah" so we call an Uber and get on our way.

——Tim's perspective——
I take some time getting ready. I chose some black jeans and a short-sleeve navy button-up. I call an Uber and I drink some water before leaving. I'm excited to go out with all our friends. I'm the first one there, followed by Lucy and Jackson. Another 3 minutes go by and Angela and Wesley get here. Nyla comes next. Nolan arrives not a minute after her and we get seated. Lucy sits between me and Jackson, and to Jackson's right is Nolan. To my left is Nyla, then Angela and Wesley. We order a first round of shots all together, but after that we mostly just got more whenever. I think it through a little and eventually decide to chat with Lucy. I turn to her and she speaks first. "Are you exited for a new rookie?" She says to me. "Of course I am-" she cuts me off "your gonna drive someone else crazy for a change" she says giggling.
Nyla taps me on the shoulder and I turn around. Angela moved her stool and the 3 of us start talking. Wesley is also kind of in the conversation. I turn every now and then and I notice Lucy's talking with West and Nolan. I think they're teasing Nolan for being held back. We talk a little bit about work, Angela complains about Wesley, and I jokingly complain about Kojo as if it's the same thing.

——Lucy's perspective——
I order 2 shots for every 1 West and Nolan have. I think they had 3 each, so i probably had 6. I order another one. 7. Could be more, drunk people aren't the best counters. Eventually I loose track. This is the bar that I was kidnapped from. It's one of the only things my brain hasn't blocked from the kidnapping. This bar. I told my friends that we should still go here because we always have and it isn't a big deal but I think I was wrong. I've been on edge the whole night. Tim keeps looking at me funny. "I'll be right back" Jackson says as he gets up and walks a few steps to where the rest have turned.

——Angela's perspective——
Jackson walks over to us. "What's up over here?" He asks. "Not much" Nyla answers him "well, I came over to say Lucy doesn't seem really okay... could one of you check on her? I don't really know what I'd ask"
I see a look in Tim's eyes. "I'll talk to her" I say before he can say anything. If Jackson says she's not she probably isn't, and I know Tim will confirm it if he talks to her. As soon as Jackson goes back over I walk over and pull Lucy aside. "Lucy? You alright?" i ask. "yeahhh I'm just like, really drunk," she answers. She pokes my nose. Really drunk she is. "Are you sure you're fine?" I ask again. "Yeah, just had a few extra shots"
"You should be done for the night then. You're gonna be super hungover tomorrow." I don't think pushing for an answer will get me one so I stop after asking twice. I tell her to stop drinking and she nods unconvincingly. "Lucy's fine. Just drunk." I tell Nyla, Tim, and Wes. That was kind of a lie. She doesn't really seem just drunk.

——Lucy's perspective——

Angela keeps looking over at me. Jackson says he doesn't feel good and will leave early. "Do you want to come with me?" He adds. "Nah I wanna stay" I tell him, and he pays for his shots then goes outside.

——Tim's perspective——
Angela comes back and tells us Lucy's doing alright. I don't have a second thought and ordered another shot. Nolan and Lucy walk a few feet over to us and they join us. She doesn't look like she's just fine at all. I don't mention it because at least she's in my sight. Nolan says that he's gonna go home now, and he's tired. We all wave goodbye. 10 minutes later Nyla leaves, so it's just me, Wesley, Ange and Lucy. I see Lucy get up and go to the bathrooms. "She's drunk drunk" Ange says. I look up at a clock. It's late. That's why the others left, probably. Wes asks "Ange, we should probably head home" "Tim, you should also go, new rookies in the morning." just after Wes and Ange finish paying, Lucy comes back. "see you tomorrow," ange says "see you" I reply. they walk out and its just me and lucy. She looks really rough. "Lucy, are you alright?" I ask her, concern throughout my voice
I hear a quiet "mhm" but I don't believe it. "Are you sure? You got really drunk tonight." "Yeah, I'll be fine... but" she says but stops. "Hm?"
"Can I stay at your house tonight I don't wanna go home alone" she asks
——Lucy's perspective——
I don't think I'm physically capable of getting out of an Uber once I get home. I also just wanna be with Tim. I don't feel well and I don't really want to talk much, so that stays in my thoughts. "That's a good idea," he says. He opens his phone to order an Uber. "Can we get a water over here?" He ask the bartender. Once he gets it he tries to hand it to me. I sip the straw with the cup still in his hands. He puts it back on the counter and he pulls me closer. "Let's head out, okay?" He says. I hand the bartender my card and once I get it back he helps me walk outside. A little later an Uber gets here and we get into the backseat. The ride feels infinitely long. When we get to his house I reach my hands out at him, and he understands and picks me up. Tim's so strong.
——Tim's Perspective——
I pick Lucy up and take her to my door. I struggle with the keys a little but get it. I open the door and bring her over to my room. I lay her in my bed and then go to get her more water. I come back to the room, and notice she's gone, but the bathroom door is wide open. I rush over to her, throwing up in the toilet. I put the glass on the sink and sit with her and hold her hair back. I don't know how much she had to drink but it was much more than I did. I rub her back until eventually she looks up at me. She tries to say somthing but it's so quiet I don't really catch it "hm?" I reply. She repeats herself "sorry" she says, still really quietly. "It's okay, don't worry" I want to ask why she got so drunk but I don't think I could get a real answer. And I think I know it anyway. She tries to get up and I help her. I pick up the glass and hold it in front of her. She takes a sip from the straw and then puts her arms around me in a hug. "Let's get you to bed." I say, helping her back to my room. I place the water back next to the nightstand, and walk to the other side. "Night, Luce" I say. "Mhm" she says back. I know she's not speaking much because she's tired and drunk. I hope she doesn't feel too bad tomorrow.

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