Chapter 12

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———Tim's perspective———
I look in her eyes. At her face with dried tears. Her small yet strong stature. Her eyes unblinking as I process her last sentence. I already knew she trusted me quite well, but in this moment i feel it.
"I care about you Lucy, I'll always listen to you." I say, then go to grab cups from the cabinet. She's quiet again, but after I fill the cups and hand it to her I see a slight smile on her face. We walk back to the livingroom and sit, for quite a while.
My phome rings, Angela's called.
"What's up?" I say, answering the call.
"Tim I need you to come to my house urgently."
She hung up before I could finish speaking.
"I think Angela's in trouble"
"What happened?"
"No idea, but let's go help her," I stand and grab my keys and we go back to my car.

"What do you think could've happened?"
"I have no idea I was with her earlier and everything was fine."

A short ride later we pull in to her driveway and find an unfamiliar car parked. I write down the license plate on a sticky I thankfully had in my car, and we got out. We rush to her door, which is cracked open. I push it open, and Lucy follows me in.
"Where is she?" I quietly ask, more to myself than Lucy.
I quickly make my way to her bedroom. She isn't there.
"Come here!" I hear Lucy yell across the house. I run to her in the kitchen.
I see Angela's barely-breathing but still conscious body covered in blood, Lucy sitting next to her stroking her hair with one hand and her other on a particularly bloodied part of Angela's upper arm.
"Oh my god"
"I called an ambulance they're two minutes out."
She turns her attention back to Angela.
"You're gonna be okay. Please Angela please stay with us."
I grab my phone because Wesley needs to know what's happening. I scroll through my contacts until I find his number. It goes to voicemail. I try his work phone, it also goes to voicemail. "What the hell? What happened? Why isn't Wesley answering his phone?"

———Lucy's perspective———
The EMT's rush through the doors and find us. I think I've started crying again. As they take Angela's barely living body on to a stretcher I lean back against the counter. "What... happened..." I speak quietly and mostly to myself. How could someone do this to her? Why? Why her specifically? Was it personal? Because of her job title, or maybe it had to do with Wesley's job? A random crazy wanted to hurt her? I have no clue. I'm ripped out of my gruesome thought bubble when Tim grabs my hand and I realize we need to follow the ambulance to the hospital.

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