thirty-eight. impossible astronaut

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who did the doctor trust the most?

❝ who did the doctor trust the most? ❞

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RUSHING AROUND the console room in a hurry, Katie waved the envelope to the Doctor confused by the invitation. With the only names on the paper being that of hers and his alias she had several running suspicions on what they were being recruited for now. "Surprised you're following through with it. You do hate not knowing things," She reminded him, the TARDIS signifying they'd landed successfully.

Coming up to her he snatched the envelope to look at the coordinates. "You're right, but we were invited. Can't hurt to pop in to find out what the reason was."

"Isn't that the whole curiosity killed the cat bit." Following behind the Doctor he opened the doors to find another pair of doors situated in front of them. Hearing music on the opposite side Katie poked her head over his shoulder to laugh under her breath. "Well that solves your mystery."

Smiling over to her he opened the doors to reveal they'd landed in a retro themed diner for the Doctor to cheer in excitement. Rolling her eyes over this she took the envelope from him as he did a short spin in the diner. "Oh this is fun, I love these sorts of places. They've even got fun drinks and shakes and things."

"Right, but we still need to find out what's going on—"

Cutting her off the Doctor waved off the concern to turn back to the direction of the TARDIS. "Take a seat, I need to pop back in to get my special straw!" Not bothering to stop this Katie was left alone in the diner. Looking around she tossed the envelope aside ordering at the counter for herself before taking a seat. Looking at the coordinates she knit her brows together, pressing her thumb over the number in thought.

Who did the Doctor trust the most?

Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she jumped in surprise before recognizing the trio before her. Katie grinned in excitement hugging River first who'd pointed her out. "Oh it's so good to see you! It's been ages hasn't it, I can never keep track."

Sensing she didn't return the gesture as she might've before, Katie let go to look to her questionably. Eventually the woman gave her a smile in return but the reaction still was not the same. "You're here?"

"Exactly, you weren't at the lake? The Doctor said you were helping Jim the Fish with his dam?" Rory questioned.

Looking to him over the unfamiliar name, Katie registered that the three of them were questioning her presence here. Judging by their looks something had gone wrong though she couldn't tell as to what it was. They all appeared fine and there was nothing dangerous she could at least make out around them. "I'm sorry Mister Pond but who exactly is Jim the Fish?"

"How did you get here then?" Amy asked next, the only one appearing distressed from her tone.

Grabbing the envelope, River took it from her hands for her to give her a sideways glance for it while explaining to Amy. "We were invited. I'm assuming the same as the three of you?" Holding her hands she leaned down to speak to her gently. "Is something wrong?"

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