twenty-eight. planet mars

389 27 3

we're fighting lizards now?

❝ we're fighting lizards now? ❞

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☽ .* ・ 。゚

THE TARDIS had behaved normally as the four entered their next adventure up until the Doctor moved further into the controls. The error messages continued to blare on the screen as the group looked worriedly over the signage. "You definitely planned this? Still going with that?" Katie asked as she held onto the railings in order to not lose her balance through the sporadic movements.

"I know where you're going and I have no control over this. I'll get it sorted out eventually," The Doctor told her, the box jolting suddenly as if it'd hit something in a response that nothing was under control at the moment.

"Where are we even headed?" Rory asked beside Amy on the opposite side of the console room as he made his way in that direction for the controls.

He looked over to them wide-eyed in a brief pause during the flying. "A surprise?" The Doctor smiled and they returned a nervous one back to him as he continued on the controls. "I have to make sure I don't lose control of the TARDIS to them or else—"

Another shake from the box only this time Katie noticed the doors attempt to push out as well. Turning wide-eyed to her friend, Amy yelled to him in worry. "Or else what?" Suddenly the doors of the TARDIS opened without anyone being prepared and attempted to get the group out.

Her knuckles turned white from holding onto the railing and Katie shut her eyes in order to keep her grip. "You're not being clever right now."

"Not helping!" The Doctor yelled back, having stopped using the controls to hold on himself. Flailing Amy was the first to begin to fall, having held onto Rory only so long before going through the doors. Without much of a thought and the Doctor advising otherwise he fell down after. "Hold on, Hart."

"Haven't thought of that, thanks," She yelled over to him, looking through where the other two have left, "Are they alright?"

Using one hand to hold himself to the console the Doctor tried to reach for the screen some ways away but failed in doing so due to the ongoing air coming into the TARDIS from the open doors. "Possibly, I don't how far above we are."

Moving suddenly this final shake was the one to send Katie losing her hold on the railing. Not being able to balance in time she let go to begin to fall through next. Reaching down despite the box flipping up to have them hang, the Doctor caught her just barely. Katie looked between him and the open doors just below her feet. "I've got you, just don't let go."

Breathing rapidly she tried to hold on as best she could, her fingers slipping in his grasp. "Doctor!"

☽ .* ・ 。゚

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