chapter 39

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With a heavy heart, Phayu reached for his phone and dialed the number of their fathers, Kinn and Porsche, seeking the comfort and guidance of their family.

The phone rang several times before Kinn's voice answered on the other end, filled with warmth and concern. "Phayu, is everything alright?"

Phayu took a deep breath, his voice trembling with emotion. "It's Sky," he began, his words strained with worry. "Sky's in the hospital, and Rain called Vegas and Pete. I... I needed to hear your voice."

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line, followed by the sound of murmured conversation between Kinn and Porsche. "We're on our way," Kinn said firmly, his voice filled with reassurance. "Just hold tight, Phayu. We'll be there soon."

With a sense of relief washing over him, Phayu hung up the phone, knowing that Kinn and Porsche would soon arrive to offer their support. And as he waited anxiously for their arrival, he found comfort in the knowledge that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as a family united in love and solidarity.

With a heavy heart, Phayu dialed Prapai's number, his fingers trembling with worry as he waited for his partner to pick up. When Prapai answered, Phayu's voice trembled as he delivered the news.

"Prapai, it's Sky," he began, his words strained with concern. "He's in the hospital. Rain called Vegas and Pete. I... I needed to tell you."

There was a pause on the other end of the line, filled with the weight of the news. Phayu could feel Prapai's shock and concern through the phone, and he wished he could offer more comfort.

"I'llgo there right away," Prapai said, his voice determined. "Stay strong, Phayu. We'll get through this together."

With a heavy heart, Phayu hung up the phone and then immediately dialed another number, that of their fathers, Kinn and Porsche. As the phone rang, Phayu's mind raced with worry for both Sky and Prapai.

When Kinn answered, Phayu wasted no time in delivering the news. "Dad, it's Phayu. Sky's in the hospital. Prapai is going there now. Can you and pa meet us there?"

There was a sense of urgency in Phayu's voice, and Kinn immediately assured him they would be there as soon as possible. "We're on our way, Phayu. Stay strong, son. We'll be there soon."

With a heavy weight on his chest but a sense of relief knowing help was on the way, Phayu ended the call and prepared to head to the hospital, determined to be there for Sky and Prapai in their time of need.

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