Chapter 8

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Logan knew that they had to have some sort of plan to get back to the school. Getting his vehicle was out of the question, Kaya’s house was undoubtedly swarming with cops and they were already in enough trouble as it was.  He would have to call the professor in the morning, thinking they could send the jet over to pick them up.

“So, what’s the plan?” Kaya asked, lying down on the bed, staring up at the dirty ceiling. He smirked; glad to know he wasn’t the only one trying to think ahead.

“Going to call the professor in the morning and see if they can send the jet.” He answered, as though it was no big news.

“J-jet?!” She stammered, sitting up.

“Yeah. Jet. You know, the flying machine?” he laughed.

“I know what a jet is.” She rolled her eyes. “I just hate flying.”

Logan smirked, knowing how she felt. “I do too.” He told her, shrugging his shoulders. He believed that if people were meant to fly, they would have wings. “But we don’t have a choice. Unless you want to stay in this crummy old place?” He asked,  looking around the motel room. By the disgusted look on Kaya’s face, he could tell which option she was going to go with.

“Fine.” She grumbled, laying back down.

Logan stood up, going over to the bathroom to wash his face.  He didn’t bother looking in the mirror, though. Wolverine hated his reflection, never knowing the real man behind the face, no matter how hard he tried to remember. Who had be been in a past life? Had he played for the bad team, or the good team? How many people had he killed, if any? These questions, and more, constantly swarmed through his head, never letting him get any peace. If only he could remember, even if just a splinter of his past, maybe then he could have some harmony in his life. But who was he kidding? No matter where Logan went, trouble always seemed to follow.

“So, you call yourself Animagus huh?” he asked, stepping back in the room, looking for answers of his own. Why was Kaya so special after all?

She looked at him, an embarrassed look finding its way onto her face. “I used to.” Kaya replied, becoming defensive. “What of it?”

“Just wondering why.” He answered, laying down on his own bed, propping himself on his side to look at her.

Kaya looked down at her hands, as if she was deciding whether to tell him or not.  Logan waited patiently, something rare for him, but he figured they had nowhere else to go at the moment. “It’s because of what I can do.” She finally replied after a few minutes had passed, looking back up at him. Kaya took in a deep breath. “I can shape-shift into different animals. Ergo, Animagus.” A light blush found its way onto her face, though Logan couldn’t understand why she would be so embarrassed about it. “Stop looking at me like that!” she called out, covering her face.

“I just don’t see why you seem upset about it.” He  said gently, sitting up. “It’s who you are after all.”

“Try living with a mother who hates mutants, Logan.” Kaya replied, looking pained. “Who, throughout your entire life has told you what a ‘disease’ they are. Who says that they are a disgrace to mankind and should be wiped away from the face of the earth.” He could see the tears welling up in her eyes, but was hesitant to do anything, and so stayed where he was. “Then, imagine one day you find that, just by thinking about animals, imagining them in your mind, you can turn into one? Knowing then and there that you’re a mutant, the very thing your own mother despises more than anything?” Kaya was yelling now, tears flowing from her face. Logan stood up, making his way over to her, and pulling her into an embrace. “It’s hard to accept who you are when you’ve been told all your life what a failure you are.”

“Your mother is an idiot.” He whispered, holding Kaya, doing his best to comfort her. “She doesn’t know what she is talking about. Look at me,” he tilted her head up, so that their eyes met. “You are not a disgrace, or a disease.  Don’t be ashamed of who you are.”

Kaya simply nodded her head. “I think I’m going to go to bed now.” She whispered, crawling out of his arms and under the covers. Logan stood up, making his way back to his own bed, where he laid down, not bothering to get under the covers.  He wondered what it would be like to be in Kaya’s shoes, knowing it could not have been easy. Yet here she was, it was quite admirable actually. Being as strong as she most likely had to be. Logan closed his eyes, letting his mind wander before pulling him down to sleep.

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