Chapter 12

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Logan could tell that Kaya wasn’t telling the truth, but he didn’t want to push her.  Whatever it was that she was hiding, he trusted that she would tell him in time. Though, he knew that fear in her eyes. Logan couldn’t remember where, but it looked familiar, as though he had once been that fearful.

There it was again. The emptiness. The hole that had always been in Logan’s memory for as long as he could remember. Unattainable. The hole that kept him up at night, making him question who he really was. He let out a small sigh as he opened the door to his room, taking a seat on the corner of the bed. The Professor promised him that he would help retrieve the memories, but so far all he had done was left Logan with even more questions.

 Lying back on the bed, he turned at look at the clock, which read six a.m. There was no use going back to bed, he had to be up early to show Kaya around the lower part of the campus. He didn’t know what the future held for Kaya. She would have to stay here, where she was safe, until the threat was over, that much was for sure. But when would the threat be over? Would Magneto ever really give up wanting to get his hands on her? Logan’s hands bawled up in fists at the thought, and he quickly brushed it from his mind. When the threat was over, would she go home? He wondered why he even cared so much. He had grown a bit fond of her, he admitted to himself, though he would never admit to that out loud. Logan ended drifting off to sleep, not realizing how tired he really was. He didn’t wake up until there was a light knock on the door, groggily sitting up to find Kaya standing in the doorway.

“I thought you were showing me around the campus today?” she asked, a small smile on her face as though the sight of Logan passed out on the bed was amusing. “Though, I understand if you’re tired and would rather sleep.”

“No, no.” he shook his head, mumbling some. Mornings were never really Logan’s specialty. “Just give me a moment to get dressed.” Kaya nodded, shutting the door behind her as she left. He quickly slipped on a new pair of jeans and a black, tight-fitting, t-shirt, before slipping his boots on. Opening the door, he spotted Kaya leaning on the wall across from him. “You ready?”

“I’ve never been to the lower levels.” She responded. “This should be fun.” Kaya shrugged, walking over to him, not looking very excited. “I don’t understand why the Professor wants me to know about the under-ground levels though. I get it, I’m wanted by this Magneto guy, but I don’t see how I can be of much help.” Her eyes flickered down to the floor.

“You can transform into an animal, can’t you?” he asked, looking over at her as they reached the elevator. “That’s helpful.”

Kaya didn’t look back up at him. “I can, but I would rather not.” She mumbled, refusing to meet his gaze. “It’s….painful.”

Logan didn’t press the matter any further, due to the uncomfortable look on Kaya’s face. He didn’t want to make her unhappy, or uncomfortable. Logan wanted to protect her, to make her see that she was safe, she didn’t have to hide when she was with him, or even be afraid. He let out a sigh, maybe seeing the environment Kaya was living in, that ignorant mother of hers, and seeing her this far was what was making him feel like this, he wasn’t entirely sure.

“This place is huge!” Kaya nearly yelled as she stepped out of the elevator, causing Logan to smile. “What is it used for exactly?”

“Mostly training stuff. Used it when Magneto tried stealing a student of ours, Rogue.” He replied, not liking the memory that popped into his head. Kaya just nodded as she followed Logan. He showed her everything, the training room, the jet, everything except cerebro.  The Professor didn’t want her to know about that, not yet at least. Logan didn’t know why, but he didn’t question it.

“Thank you.” Kaya said when they re-entered the elevator.

“For what?” Logan asked, a bit puzzled.

“Showing me around, I know you didn’t have to.”  She responded with a small smile, grasping at her wrists again.

“No problem.” He returned the smile, glad that she was happy. “Can I ask you something?”

They got off the elevator, back on the main floor which was swarmed with kids making their way to their next class. Logan and Kaya had to move off to the side to avoid being trampled on. “Uh, sure.” She replied, a bit out of breath, not use to being around rowdy kids.

“Why are you always grasping your wrists?” he was concerned, was she harming herself? Or was it simply a nervous habit?

Kaya’s face turned red, and Logan regretted asking. “They just hurt sometimes, an accident I had when I was a kid.” She responded, speaking so quickly it was amazing her face didn’t turn blue. “I should be off…doing something. Thank you again!” she waved as she dashed off and out of sight. Logan looked down at the floor, wiping the sweat off the back of his neck. How was he going to earn her trust now?

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