Chapter 26

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They had spent most of the day searching farmer markets, going into apartment buildings and having night crawler check within buildings, while Wolverine used his nose to try to catch her scent, without any luck whatsoever. It wasn’t until they had searched all but one apartment building though that Logan caught her scent.

            “She’s here.” He said, hope finally entering his mind. “Or was at least.” They followed the scent until they hit a door, and then Night Crawler (who had become much more confident in his abilities) entered, unlocking the door once he was inside.

            “It looks like no one is here.” Night Crawler stated, leading the others in.

Logan could feel the dread creeping up on him. Were they already too late? If they took her somewhere else, how would they find her now? There was no way he was about to give up, he would go to the end of the world and back to find her. “It looks like they left in a hurry as well.” He noted, looking at the papers thrown everywhere, food still on the stove, and other signs that Magneto wanted them out of here, and fast. “Looks everywhere, maybe we can find a sign as to where they went to.”

They began looking, Storm and Cyclops looking over the papers, which were just news clippings that had “Crimes Against Mutants” written on them with red pen. Logan walked around, going down the hall until he came to a room that was drenched in Kaya’s smell. Opening the door, he could feel the anger rise when he saw what was in the room.

            “They locked her in here.” He called out, the rage clear in his voice. “Just a bed on the floor…” his hands clenched into fists and he had to walk away, not wanting to imagine Kaya in there.

            “It looks like it is composed of the same material as Magneto’s helmet.” The professor mused, but Logan tried to tune him out, not wanting to hear about the room anymore. He walked into the bathroom, where he splashed some water on his face, and that’s when he noticed it, from the corner of his eyes.

Peeking behind part of the shower curtain was writing on the wall. He tore the curtain back, revealing the words “Washington D.C.” written in red lipstick on the wall. “Professor, I know where they went!” Logan ran out, the Professor and Cyclops rushing over to see what he had found. “They’re going to Washington D.C. Kaya left a message on the bathroom wall.”

            “Smart girl.” Cyclops commended.

            “What do you have planned Eric?” Xavier wondered out loud, sighing. Logan could only imagine how hard it had to be for him, watching his old best friend go on such a dark path. There were times he couldn’t help but feel bad for him.

            “Guys,” Storm called, holding a newspaper clipping in her hand. “I think they’re going after the President.”

On the newspaper clipping was the President’s face crossed out several times.

            The X-Men piled into the jet as soon as possible, wanting to get to D.C. as soon as they could. Logan was silent during the whole trip, his mind wandering to Kaya. Did Magneto want her to kill the President? He thought what that would do to her, how damaging it would be, if she even did. If she didn’t, what did that mean for her?

All he could do was hope they got there in time.

            “We’ll find her Logan.” Storm said from the driver’s seat, but he didn’t reply. He didn’t want false promises, he wanted facts. What if Magneto was already there and the plan was in motion? They didn’t even know his plan, although Logan knew he could tell who Kaya was just by her scent. That wouldn’t help much though if she was with Magneto, knowing if he caught Logan he would be helpless. The metal was more of a curse in that sense. What was the point of being indestructible if he couldn’t save the ones he cared about when they were threatened by Magneto?

            It took an hour to get to D.C., longer than Logan had hoped but there wasn’t much he could do about that. They landed the jet in a field, where they hid it with their cloaking device, to make sure no unwanted visitors came poking around.

            “The best chance we have is to get to the White House.” Cyclops stated, and Wolverine just rolled his eyes, No Shit Sherlock. He thought to himself.

            Logan led the way, wanting to get there as soon as possible. By the looks of it, they were a good ways away from the White House, and so they couldn’t afford to waste anymore time. Logan just prayed they would make it in time.

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