Chapter 10

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Logan felt as though he was going to be sick.

But that was really nothing new; he always felt like that when he was up in the air. He was silently hoping that they were close to the school now, and that this ride was soon over. Logan didn’t know how much more of this he could really take. He caught Kaya looking at him out of the corner of his eye, and silently wondered if he was showing his discomfort.

The jet, much to Logan’s relief, began to land. He quickly unbuckled his seatbelt and stood up when the jet was safely underground, where they kept it. Kaya seemed relieved as well, for she let out a sigh. Or she was nervous, Logan really couldn’t tell, but then again he wasn’t really focusing on Kaya at the moment so much as getting off this trap.

“You weren’t lying when you said you hated flying.” Kaya snickered beside him as they stepped off the jet.

“Why would I lie about something like that?” He asked a bit harshly.

Kaya shrugged her shoulders. “Never thought a man as big as you could be afraid of anything.” She replied, more softly now, as though she was afraid he was going to become angry with her.

“I can be.” Was all he said, the silence afterwards letting Kaya know that they were through on the subject.

“It’s time to go see the Professor.” Storm announced, being the last person to get off the jet.   “You ready?” Jean Grey asked, stepping beside Kaya.

“As I’ll ever be.” She nodded, letting out a deep, nervous, breath. Logan had to give it to the kid, she was being quite brave throughout this whole thing. He followed closely behind them, studying Kaya closely. She was hugging her arms close to her body, her head down, trying her best to be invisible. They crowded into the elevator, and the tension could easily be felt in the air. He couldn’t really imagine how Kaya was feeling right now, seeing someone again after all these years but, by the look of it, it wasn’t something she was looking forward to.

“Hey, it’s going to be fine.” Logan whispered to Kaya, gently nudging her with his elbow. Kaya didn’t respond, she just kept looking down. He sighed, not able to help but feel a bit bad for her. This couldn’t have been easy.

They reached the Professor’s office and Logan knocked on it before opening it. Xavier was sitting at his desk patiently, a smile appearing on his face when they walked in. He wheeled over to them, and Logan could see Kaya tense up. Logan wondered what had happened here in the past to make Kaya behave this way, because he couldn’t fully comprehend it.

“You sure have grown Kaya.” The Professor greeted. “It’s nice to see you again, and I apologize it has to be under these circumstances.”

“That’s just it.” Kaya scoffed, which surprised Logan. Not that many people talked to the Professor that way, but he didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he seemed to be expecting that. “I don’t understand these circumstances, because no one has really explained to me what the hell is going on!” No one seemed to scold her for talking to Xavier in such a manner, and so Logan just leaned back on the wall, watching the scene unfold before him. He really wished he could smoke right now.

“Your anger is understandable.” Xavier replied calmly. “I just wanted to be able to explain it to you in person, to stress how important it is that you stay here where I, and the rest of the professor’s, can keep you safe. Do you understand that?” Kaya nodded. “There is this mutant, named Magneto, who is plotting against the humans. What he is planning, that I am still not sure about. I am sure, however, that he is after you.”

“Why me?” Kaya asked. “I don’t see how my power to morph is so special.”

“That’s what I need to ask you.” Xavier asked her, very seriously. “When you were gone, did you happen to stumble across anyone? Anyone that did anything to you?”

Kaya looked away, shock quickly flashing on her face, before looking back at the Professor. Logan wondered what was going on, and why the Professor even thought that. Though, he supposed, anything could really happen in this day and age. What Xavier thought had happened to Kaya though, he hadn’t the slightest idea.

“No.” she shook her head, and Logan could tell she was lying, and so the Professor must have been able to tell, but he didn’t press it. “Nothing at all.”

“Alright, I just thought I would ask.” Xavier replied.

“Is it possible to go to bed?” she asked. “It’s been a long couple of days.”

“Of course.” The Professor replied. “Storm will take you to your room, and I am sure Jean grey would be happy to get some clothes for you as well.” He smiled kindly. Kaya nodded and followed Storm and Jean Grey out. Logan, however, stayed in the room. There were some things he needed to find out as well.

“Why did you let Kaya get away like that?” He asked when the office door was shut. “She was obviously lying.”

“I have faith that she will tell me when she feels comfortable about it.” Xavier simply replied, returning to his desk.

“We’re trying to protect her, by the time she tells us, it may be too late!” He protested, looking at the Professor with utter disbelief. Did he not want to protect her?

“Have you grown to care for Kaya, Logan?” Xavier asked, shuffling around papers.

“I just want to make sure she’s safe, after all I went through to go fetch her.” Logan replied, neither denying nor confirming the Professor’s accusation.

“She’s safe here.” Xavier replied, still not looking at Logan. “Now, please, I have work to do, and I am sure you are tired as well. Thank you for getting Kaya.”

“No problem.” He replied tensely, abruptly leaving the Professor’s office, slamming the door behind him. He went to his room, flopping himself on the bed before letting out the deep breath he had been holding in. Sometimes Xavier aggravated him, and he wished he could read minds, to figure out what exactly the Professor was planning. All he knew he could do though was exactly what Xavier said, wait until Kaya was comfortable to talk. Perhaps he could help with that, Logan thought. He had already spent a few days with her, maybe even gained some of her trust. How hard could it be to gain even more of that trust and figure out what she was hiding?

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