Chapter 24

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Logan stormed in through the mansion doors, causing a few of the student’s heads to turn his way, but he ignored them. Right now all he wanted to do was find Kaya, and he hoped that the Professor had another idea on how to find her. If they couldn’t use Cerebro, he didn’t know how they would manage to find her.

            “Please tell me you have something figured out.” Logan asked as he entered the Professor’s office. Storm and Cyclops were there as well, looking as though they had been debating over something, but he paid no mind to them.

Xavier let out a sigh. “We’re working on it Logan. It’s going to take some time to figure a plan out.”

“We don’t have time!” He yelled back, his hands curling up into fists. “Every minute that passes by, Kaya is with him! Who knows what he’s doing to her?” Logan had to look away, the anger burning up inside of him, afraid he was going to lash out worse than he had already. What he said was true though, every minute that ticked by, Kaya was with Magneto. He knew how he was with mutants who didn’t share his view of the humans, and that was what frightened him the most.

The Professor wheeled over, so that he was right in front of Logan. “And what would you have me do?” he asked, the seriousness clear in his voice. “Rush in and get Kaya, as well as the rest of us, killed? What use to her would we be then? We need a plan, and that’s final.”

Logan pounded his fist against the wall in anger, but he knew what Xavier said was true. It would be pointless to just walk in blindly, and the last thing he wanted was to get her killed. He finally calmed down enough to take a seat, but his mind was still restless. Logan just hoped she wasn’t being hurt, although he doubted it.

            “Well, if they took her from the park their base must be close.” Cyclops spoke up. “They couldn’t have gotten far with Kaya in the back seat, especially if she was kicking and screaming. She would have caused them unwanted attention.”

            Logan shook his head. “There was no screaming, I think they may have drugged her.”

            “We’ll find her.” Storm responded, trying to console Logan, but he didn’t look at her. He didn’t want comfort, nor pity. He wanted Kaya, right here, with him where she was safe. Nothing anyone said right now could make him feel better, not until he got her back.

The Professor cleared his throat, about to say something, but the phone began to ring, cutting him off. Logan was glad though, he didn’t want to hear anymore of the Professors “advice” because, quite frankly, it wasn’t doing much help right now.

“Kaya?” The professor said suddenly, catching Logan’s attention. In a blink of an eye he was up and right next to Xavier. “Where are you?”

“Let me talk to her.” Logan pleaded, wanting to just hear her voice and know she was okay. “Please.” Xavier hesitated, but then handed him the phone. “Kaya, are you alright?”

“Oh, Logan, I’m fine.” Her voice rang out, and it sounded like she was crying. “I can’t talk long, Mirage will be back any moment.”

Logan’s words were caught in his throat, but he had to push them out, the time was limited. “Where are you Kaya?”

“I don’t know.” She whispered. “Mirage’s apartment I think, somewhere in the city. I-I don’t know anything else, I’m sorry.” He could hear Kaya begin to cry again, and it just tore through him like knives. This was his fault, he thought. If only he had kept a better eye on her while they out, she wouldn’t be in this mess right now. Hell, if he had listened to the Professor to begin with and never took her into the city she would still be here, safe. This was just another thing he had managed to screw up.

“Hey, don’t cry. We’re going to find you Kaya, I promise you.” He replied back, his voice soothing, hoping he could calm her down. “Can you go to the window? What do you see?”

There was some noise on the other end, and he was afraid he lost her, before she began to speak again. “Yeah, a farmer’s market.” She whispered.

The line went dead.

“Kaya? Kaya!” Logan yelled into the phone, but it was no use, she wasn’t there anymore. “Dammit!”

Throwing the receiver back down, he walked away, beginning to pace, lost in his anger. He was too engulfed in his rage to hear Xavier and the others calling his name and trying to calm him down. It wasn’t until Jean Grey walked in and put a hand on his shoulder that he finally managed to snap out of it.

“Logan, it’s okay. We know that she’s alright, that’s good, isn’t it?” Jean Grey asked, and Logan could just nod. “Did she say where she was?”

“A mutant named Mirage’s apartment, across from a Farmer’s Market.” He replied, sitting down.

Storm let out a sigh. “There are dozens of Farmer’s Markets here.”

“Yeah, but how many are across from an apartment complex?” Xavier asked, picking up the phone again. “I’m going to call Night Crawler; he could help us find her. The rest of you suit up.”

Logan nodded and left with the rest of the team to go and get ready, glad that they were finally going to do something. If it was one thing he hated, it was just sitting around and doing nothing. Feeling useless. If he was there, he could at least be of some use. That was, unless Magneto was there and stopped him, but he pushed that out of his mind for the moment. He would deal with that if, and when, the time came.

Right now he just had to focus on getting Kaya back.

*       *           *          *

Authors Note:ahhhh 6,000 reads?!?! Thank you so much! You have no idea how much that means to me, especially since I never thought this book would get past 100 reads when I first posted it. Thank you for all the positive feedback as well!

Now I just want to let you know of the sequel I will be writing for this book. It's going to be called "A Past Revisited" and it's going to be how Kaya and Logan are looking for answers about their past, which means finding Stryker, but they meet a few obstacles on the way, including a mysterious woman from Logan's past (who will then lead them into the 3rd book, but more info on that one when the next book is getting written. So yeah, I have a plan to make this a 3 part series)

I'll be working on it as soon as I'm done with this one, which will be soon. I want to keep it under 30 chapters.

Again, thank you so much!

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