Chapter Eleven: Breathe

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You'd think I could leave the flat for two minutes and nothing would happen. Of course, nothing as gone how I thought it should.

Martha and I looked at each other and sprinted upstairs. There was a broken vase near the door. The three boys were standing near the bookshelf; Benjamin held a book, Alex had his fists up and ready for attack, and Branden was standing close enough to do some real damage. They didn't pay attention to Martha and me until Martha yelled "What is going on?!" in her mom voice.

Benjamin turned toward us and smiled. ""Hey, Grandma," he beamed before turning back to Branden. I always always always  forget that bit of information.

If it weren't totally impossible, I would say Martha time travels. Yes, she looks about old enough to be my mom, but not my grandmother. Maybe she moisturizes really well. I'll have to ask.

"Hello, Ben, would you care-" Nobody was listening. They were too engaged in their little feud to pay attention to anything else.

Martha glared at me and walked toward the boys. I don't know what she was planning, but I'm sure it involved no more fighting.

I really wanted this dispute settled quickly. I didn't like Alex and Benjamin agreeing on things, fighting a common hatred, or even laughing  together. I didn't like it one bit. They've hated each other for the past year. It's routine. They couldn't mess up routine.

Martha was standing in between Alex and Benjamin now. Nobody moved. I couldn't see, but I imagine Martha raised her eyebrow and waited- nothing else. The three guys looked at her, then at each other, and still did nothing. They must have been silently planning to fight.

Martha waited another minute, but when no one did anything, she took action. She grabbed Benjamin by the ear and dragged him ten feet away. I tried not to laugh at 5'3" Martha dragging 6'5" Benjamin across the room, but it was really hard.

The other two silently watched. Before Martha could get to them, Branden surrendered. He took a few steps back and leaned against the counter, then crossed his arms.

While Martha stood next to Benjamin and Branden stood against the counter, Alex stood where he was. He was undoubtedly debating whether to let down his guard or not. Apparently he chose for it, because he walked over to me. He was stiff as he stood next to me, his heavily muscled arms also crossed. He was going to fight someone, no matter what any of us said or did.

It was kind of funny where the guys went, how they were holding themselves, and how far apart they were.

Well, it would have been funny, if this wasn't such a tense scene.

Seriously, nothing could cut the tension. No one dared make noise, or look at anything except the floor. Very not fun. It was actually the opposite of fun. But I don't know a word for that.

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