Chapter One: State Of Grace

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There were at least eleven different ways that could have gone better. Like, I'm counting them in my head right now. Actually, it shouldn't have happened at all. I should have been able to avoid it.





It was supposed to be a simple day. Normal. It was supposed to be wonderful. Enchanting. I thought so all day, especially when trying to figure out what Benjamin had planned for tonight. He said we were going somewhere amazing, because apparently this past year has been 'so amazing. Absolutely worthy of being celebrated at an equally amazing place.'

The day started out fine. Wonderfully even. I read- actually finished- a book. I watched a few movies. It was relaxing. Exactly what I needed.

About an hour and a half before Benjamin was supposed to pick me up, I started getting ready. Normally he shows up five or so minutes early, so tonight, I thought it would be different. I would be waiting for him. Not the other way around.

I was doing pretty well, if I do say so myself. I had taken a shower and picked an outfit- a black and cream striped, sleeveless, knee length dress paired with black flats. Of course I accessorized with fake diamonds and sparkly bracelets. I wanted to look as elegant as possible, seeing as you can never be overdressed, especially if you didn't know where you were going.

The curling iron had barely started heating up when someone buzzed the flat. My thoughts instantly went to Benjamin, while my head turned to the clock on the wall. He was here awfully early. Even earlier than normal, actually.

I ran down the stairs, quickly trying to come up with a stern speech about how he can't be this early to pick me up. I needed time to get ready!

It never occurred to me it might not be Benjamin ringing, until I opened the door.

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