Chapter Seventeen: Out of The Woods

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There were at least eleven different ways that could have gone better. Like, I'm counting them in my head right now. Actually, it shouldn't have happened at all. I should have been able to avoid it.




I had to go outside and walk in order to process everything. I told Martha about Benjamin and asked Branden to just call me later. I couldn't exactly tell Alex to leave, which was a bummer, but I would survive. Plus I didn't want to rain on his one person parade.

I was still wearing my anniversary dress and flats. Thank goodness I wasn't wearing my make-up, otherwise I would have looked terrible. I may have been in emotional distress, but I still cared how I looked.

I can't exactly decide if it was the right thing to do. I feel like there's no chance we'd ever get back together, which is good, right? That's pretty much the reason I broke up with him. 

Except I really miss him. I mean, it's been fifteen minutes. I shouldn't second guess my actions until tomorrow, maybe the day after. Maybe I'm just over thinking this. Probably. 

I had been walking for twenty minutes before I calmed down. I figured it was about time to go back, before some weirdo kidnapped me or something. 

I was going to call Martha and check on Benjamin, but I figured it was a bit early. I'd see her soon enough, I hope. Not to mention I left my phone at home. How did I leave the house without music? Weird. 

On my way back I thought of Branden. I had told him to call me later, but what would we talk about? Would we consider dating again? Would he totally just leave me to figure this out on my own? I hope not. But I also hope we don't rush into dating. I like him and all, but this is a lot to figure out.
I checked my phone when I got home. No one called. What a surprise. I'm pretty sure half the world hates me. Or half my world.  I only know, like, eight people. 

Alex was in the living room, watching...Dad? The guy on the television looked an awful lot like him. Maybe I should just go to bed now, before I see anything else totally impossible. 

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