Jericho & Gabby

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"Jericho, this is all I could find"

A manila envelope was tossed in front of me, landing with a flutter beside my evening meal of kippers and eggs. The cafeteria at PND had been mostly empty. The fluorescent lights buzzed softly. A few agents lingered half asleep.

 It was just past 4 pm and they were beginning their shifts. Hunting visitors was best done at night. The sunlight made the visitors weak and they could not manifest. The dark also gave power to our psychic abilities. That's why all contracts were to be done at night. agents slept during the day and hunted visitors at night, a true graveyard shift.

 I looked up to see Gabriella Monae, a thin pale-faced agent assigned to my team. Her eyes were a cool grey and her short black hair was decorated with iron pins and charms, Her Small body was framed in our signature PND uniform. Black pants and a black vest embroidered with a purple logo of an owl.She wore a matching purple undershirt, her kit belt full to the brim with all the tools we used in our fight against visitors. She was already ready for the night.

 I had worked with Gabriella before on numerous occasions she was a proper agent, smart and tactful, never missing a beat. she had saved my life many times due to her quick thinking and decision-making, when word got out I was to be in charge of my team she made no hesitation in requesting a transfer. She was a good friend.

"I spoke to over a dozen construction workers, and they all seemed quite hesitant to say anything.They must be pretty spooked" She leaned against the side of my table, arms crossed staring at my food intently.

 "can I have a kipper?" her hands were already selecting a salty bite.

"The construction workers are probably embarrassed not hesitant ." I said

Pushing my plate over to her I opened the folder and pulled out a neatly written report.

"You know how adults are Gabby, they can't see a thing when it comes to visitors, all they feel is the fear."
I read a couple of lines from Gabriella's report.

"I felt as though I couldn't move, blah blah blah. I heard a spooky voice. We won't know anything until we get there and sus it out for ourselves."

"There's one thing that might help" She pulled from her back pocket a folded photocopied newspaper clipping dated 1910.

"5 killed in crushing accident, faulty equipment to blame. Looks like a chain snapped and a Ladel fell into a break area, no one survived," she glanced over the article.

"I expect a type 2, these workers all shared the same feelings of anger and hatred. Whatever is floating around at that mill has a purpose"

"So the source is a soup ladle? I asked musingly.

"No Ratface, a ladle is a bucket-shaped container or vessel used to transport and pour out molten metals. They are used in foundries, and they're off big any ideas on how to contain it?"
She was scarfing down my eggs and kippers while she said this, her voice slightly muffled. She reminded me of a happy chipmunk, cheeks full.

I pondered this for a moment. This would prove to be difficult, if a visitor was connected to something this large, how the hell would we contain it? I scratched my chin slowly.

"Let's not jump to conclusions. That ladle is the cause of death, doesn't mean it's the source. all of that construction, maybe something was there before this accident and they woke it up, we will have to find out. Thanks, Gabby at least we aren't going in blind, good work." I stood up and rested my hand on her shoulder.

"Everyone ready?"

She hesitated, placed the plate down, and sighed. "As ready as they're going to be Jericho. These kids we are bringing tonight, they're a little well.." her eyes locked with mine

"they're a little green" She closed her eyes awaiting my response.

"Please tell me green as in they're sick Gabriella?" I asked.

"No... they fresh out of training"

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