Lucy Carlyle

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It just so happened that Miss Carlyle was heading in the same direction of the market I had seen earlier, the one Holly had also mentioned, I was a few yards behind her my hands in my pockets trying my hardest to keep it cool like I wasn't following her because I wasn't. her pace was quick, she was either very mad or in a hurry, either one was none of my business. what was strange was the green glow that I had seen. it looked very similar to ectoplasm. I figured she must have had a source of some kind and was on her way to destroy it like we did in the States. She had a quirky step about her, almost like a skip, her hair bobbing furiously. rapier swinging. suddenly she stopped as did I. The green glow shone brightly through the book bag, and she wheeled around.

"Are you following me?!" she huffed her cheeks red with frustration, She started towards me arms swinging, anger in her eyes,
"Is this what you do in the state then, spy on young girls? "

"Do all agents here in London carry unsecured sources or just you?" she was speechless i tapped my ear "Listener remember, and I'm not following you i was heading to the market, I didn't much feel like being social back there" We stood 10 ft apart unsure what to do next I smiled,

"look, I'm not looking for a fight Miss Carlyle, I just felt like I didn't belong back there you know, Gabriella has George and I'm sure she fit right in, I just wanted some fresh air maybe a Snickers bar I gave my last one to a Nightwatch kid" her hands unclenched and the tone in her face soften.

"I don't know what a snicker is but if you mean chocolate I've got some here." she ruffled through the pockets of her Jacket and pulled out 2 candy bars handing me one, "I'm heading to Ariffs then I've got to be off." she turned around briskly and started walking at a fast pace again, stopping a few feet ahead and looking back at me. "well? come on then."

sometimes being a stranger is beneficial, I didn't know her enough to judge and she didn't know me enough to care, I got a sense that Lucy Carlyle was in a tough spot recently, she spoke about Lockwood and Co's newest member Holly, and how despite her trying her best she was at odds with her, which put her at odds with George and Lockwood, they liked Holly a lot, Lucy felt as though she was being pushed aside. nothing she did was right. and it caused friction as of late. Despite her claiming she had something important to do she hung around outside the ariffs shop, I had bought her an ice cream cone and we continued our conversation we hung on the railing just outfront the shop. she spoke about Lockwood and how distant he had been treating her, how secretive he was how her emotions were out of control she also spoke of her connection to visitors, how she had solved the case of Annabel Ward a popular socialite in her time, how she could commune with them, feel what they feel. I felt for Lucy I was also feeling pretty down about my circumstances, Losing friends felt like a death had happened, like a death I had just experienced, no, Marcus wasn't my friend but he was a young kid, I was supposed to protect him. his first night out with so-called "experienced" agents. I didn't feel very experienced I felt like I wasn't good enough. I told her this. She rested a hand on my arm.

"It's hard being in charge, I've noticed that with Lockwood, he handles it well I'm sure you do too." she smiled at me.

"They'd be stupid to lose someone like you, Lucy Carlyle, It'll blow over, they'll recognize how important you are, I haven't met Lockwood or George, but they sound like good fri...." A voice spoke suddenly behind me

"There you are rat face, you've been gone for over an hour" I looked over at Gabby her hands on her hips a look of worry being replaced by anger, just behind her a heavy-set George was wiping his glasses on his jersey.

"This him then? Hello Lucy. I see you've met Jericho. This is Gabriella My cousin" His voice was very monotone almost like speaking to a robot, I hadn't seen him blink. Nonetheless, I stood up and shook his hand. Gabby made nice with Lucy. it went something like this.

"I like your leggings" G

"Thanks, I like your hair" L

"Nice bag" G

"Oh thank you nice...rapier." L

"Yeah I see you got one too" G

I hadn't made much conversation with George he stood idly by checking his watch and watching the sunset, I don't think we would have had much to talk about research bored me to death. meanwhile, the niceties between Gabby and Lucy continued.

"I usually wear ghost charms in the bangs you know" G

"I've never found them effective but I'm sure they look wonderful" L

"Right," George said, he clapped his hands together and broke the cycle. " Me and Gabby are off to handle Mrs Horshims Dead son back from the grave" it'll be night soon we better be off, Coming Jericho?" he glanced at me inquiringly Lucy cleared her throat

"I guess ill just piss off then" she grabbed her backpack and slung it over her shoulder. George blinked

"I thought you were engaged," he said matter-factly

"Jesus George she's only 16, Lucy Why not come with?" I asked. I leaned in closely "Please Lucy these two together will bore the pants off me" She laughed and agreed. Welcome to Jericho and company

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