Meet The team.

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"I don't want any heroes, I want you all to play by the book tonight. if you feel your life is in danger or there's something you can't handle to retreat to the iron circle do make yourself clear?" we locate the source neutralize it and get out quick and precise."I

We were speeding along in a PND box truck, and our driver was blowing red lights and dodging in-between traffic. Since the problem, a curfew has been set in place and seeing as adults couldn't see, let alone fight visitors taxis and agency drivers were all about getting agents to their destination without putting themselves in danger.

 PND had supplied enough iron plating on their vehicles to mark the driver safe along with ghost wards that hung from the rearview mirror, a box of magnesium flares (to be used sparingly as they set fire to things often). Drivers were to stay in the truck and wait until the task was done to shuttle agents safely to and from. Our driver, Caleb just happened to be a nutcase and loved to speed.

"About 6 minutes Jericho" he shouted through the metal gate separating us from the cab.

I adjusted my rapier, the mark of an agent a long French style with a silver tip, and assessed my gear, I had the proper amount of magnesium flares, salt bombs, a thermometer, and a flashlight, making sure I hadn't forgotten any necessary equipment I glanced around at my team. Gabby, and 2 other agents, roughly 14-15 years of age all decked out in projective gear and our signature colors

There was a small frail-looking boy whose brown hair was disheveled and brown eyes that had a very distracted look in them his uniform was slightly too big giving him a ragdog look. he looked as if he had just woken up, he was glancing around nervously biting his nails. Marcus Kootz was his name and he looked to be about 100 pounds soaking wet, the rapier he wore seemed too heavy for him it made him sit slanted to compensate for the weight, he had coward written all over him. then there was a small girl Who had a look of determination on her face, her horn-rimmed glasses sat neatly on her nose amplifying her green eyes. 

She seemed a little more ready than Marcus, her blonde hair was in a neat bun and she held a PND training manual that she was lazily flipping through, she had barely spoken even when Gabby and I had introduced ourselves. A simple hello and she had piled in the back of the van. her uniform fit wonderfully and she had very little on her belt, the rapier sat across her lap as the Truck bounced around twisting and turning it kept its balance, this girl's name was Laura Yoder I had read her file, and she had a gifted touch, from what I had read she identified 12 out of 12 objects used in murder cases during her final examine I had only managed 10. my touch was not so good but my listening and sight far succeeded your average agent, Marcus was sub-par scoring just above the marks needed to complete training, one thing that did stick out was his swordplay, he had beaten every combatant including his trainer in the defense portion of his finals, impressive, how he managed it I had no idea. Gabby as always was cool and calm, one knee tucked under her butt, she was eating a chocolate bar and smiling around at the two other agents who seemed in their own worlds.

"Nervous?" she asked the small boy who responded with a frantic nod

"I've only ever seen a visitor once when I was 7" he muttered, "scared the hell out of me I ran for my mom, and realized I had the sight, I'm good at it, I know I can see shades, lurkers phantasms all the usual stuff I just don't perform well under pressure"

Laura looked up "Then why join PND? if you are so scared of visitors shouldn't you be a night watch kid then? I hear they run often when they spot a visitor" Marcus flushed and fumbled for words. we were all shocked, gabby glanced at me and I nodded.3

"The same reason most of us join I, I got forced to join after my father lost his job, it really not your place to ask. everyone's got their reasons. You've seen the training videos this is not a glamorous or safe job his reasons are his own mind" Gabby took a chunk of a candy bar and popped it in her mouth chewing angrily.

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