Lockwood and co.

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Tom Sayre son of Patrick Sayre had been the ghost we came in contact with in the offices, turns out he was mute and under the command of his father had scammed the families of the workers who died out of their life insurance payout, putting the money directly into his fathers pockets, we found his ledger behind the wall of the locker, his source, he wasn't a bad guy just misled by his father, clearly his ghost was filled with grief about what hed done and never spoke up about, that's why we couldn't hear his whispers or sense him at all, he hadn't spoken or made himself known in life, naturally in death he was also mute, Patrick sayre had been the phantasm, a terrible man, who ran the factory like a hellish work camp.

 we took pleasure in destroying his ghostly form, the ledger tied both visitors to the steel mill and Patrick Sayres evil kept the workers and his son grounded to the abandoned mill, before containing the source under silver netting we took our revenge at the end of the hall of that dark corridor. in Patrick sayres Personal office. PND supervisors showed up and cleaned the rest of the mill. Gabby and I were suspended by the director naturally, for locking out our teammate and finishing the job plus a death was something that wouldn't be ignored, perhaps if it had been her nephew...I had decided I needed the break Marcus death weighed heavy on my mind and I needed to get away. the death of an agent is expected in our line of work, so The director couldn't fire us, but for direct insubordination to the rule book we could be placed on a 6-month relief, we spoke with a therapist, and upper management ruled it an accident.

Gabby and I were sitting across from each other in our favorite diner MOES on 5th Avenue it was 3 weeks after the incident and we, of course, stayed in contact, she didn't live at PND as I did, she had a rented room in a boarding house across town, she made no hesitation to offer me her pull out couch, we had been getting along well, and she knew if I had stayed at the dormitories of PND and locked out of every case I would have gone crazy, or gotten myself in trouble I loved the time we spent together, we kept each other sane. I had only seen Gabby out of work clothes once it was strange to see her dressed down for the past 3 weeks, her short black hair had no iron charms in it, her wrists had no ghost ward or salt bracelets on them he clothes weren't stained with ectoplasm and we weren't in mortal danger every night. she of course carried her rapier with her but it stayed sheathed and she usually leaned it against something in a corner somewhere today was no exception it leaned against the absent chair to her left. Gabby was proud to be an agent, the rapier she carried was a symbol she said, she had always been a noble character.

she was reading a newspaper, her hand absent-mindedly searching the table for her toast knocking over jam and butter she was getting closer to my plate of pancakes and sausage. I shifted my plate.

"Miss Aberdeen of Muncy Pennsylvania is asking for help regarding an ancient haunting on her family estate," she said between bits of toast.

"Garth brothers take on cluster case, they are seeking help, what about that one? clusters are always a good time" 

She had been looking for cases to freelance, she had been out a few times doing odd jobs from the newspaper, helping with a shade here a stone knocker there. small type one job, today she seemed to be looking for a high-paying job.

I stabbed at my sausage. "gabby we don't need to be working, we are suspended not fired" She folded the newspaper and put her feet up onto my leg crossing them.

"Look money bags you may be good with your money but I'm nearly broke, PND is not paying us for this suspension"

"So I take it I'm paying for this meal then?" I asked, she smiled widely at me and put on her best Southern bell accent. while our waitress cleared our plates.

"Why mister cross I would be ever so grateful, It's hard being little ole me why I'd give you a kiss for some grits if it meant it would be able to eat one more meal" We laughed, and we laughed even harder when Gabbys signature snorts echoed around the empty diner. we were normal again, with no creeping fear, no dark buildings or buried remains. no visitors trying to suck the life force from you, I liked it, but this was not where we were supposed to be, we should be doing those things, we were good at it and we kept people safe, I thought of Marcus and countless other agents and non-agents who were killed by visitors, We had a duty to uphold. we could sense them and we could fight them, it's what an agent does, still, i could have spent all day at that dinner with Gabby laughing and making silly faces and jokes, I'm sure Laura and Marcus would have enjoyed this place too, we planned to come here the night of the incident...that was then this was now I drained my coffee picked up the newspaper and opened it onto the table, gabby who had been staring out the window playing with her hair looked surprisingly at me,

"Pick one," I said plainly

She smiled, giddiness filling her face. "oh these small jobs are nothing, yes they pay a decent amount but it's not all about the money, I know you wanna help too..." she pulled a smaller magazine I'd never seen before from the bookbag she carried. and tossed it at me.

I read the huge font on the page THE LONDON INQUISITOR

"Gabby what is this?" I said flipping through the magazine, it was full of pictures of fancy parties and stern lippped socialites as well as ongoing visitor issues in the UK.

"Well the UK is not doing so well lately." she grabbed the magazine from me and flipped through it, "The problem is really strong there, nothing like here in the States, I have a cousin out there. he works for a small outfit, unorthodox but I rang him this morning, I wanted to go out for a month or two and see what it's like," she said very easily for someone low on funds.

"You wanna go to London?" I asked leaning back in my chair. "I thought you were broke?" she blushed a little.

"I wouldn't be paying, my aunt, i called her first, asked for the money, and promised to pay her back She is a sweet woman I know she would love you" She picked at a spot on the table. "I'm leaving next Friday I was hoping you'd come with me."

"When were you going to tell me?"

"Tonight, we have nothing else going on, and I'd like to get to work on something important ever since Marcus...I need to feel like I'm doing something meaningful, my cousin is a great researcher. He has been researching the problem for years i would like to help " Gabby was a great researcher, naturally, I assumed it ran in her family, she loved to read and figure problems out, and she was one of the best who even achieved a few awards for it, she made it look easy and judging by her looks you would never would have guessed she was a bookworm, I assumed her cousin would look the same.

"Who's this cousin?" I asked.

 she skimmed a few pages then folded the magazine and flipped it around so I could see. 3 youths stood in front of a podium. A pale tall boy suit and tie and trench coat,dark eyes and a beaming wide smile. Next to him was a young woman with  Auburn hair. a look of somberness in her green eyes. she looked isolated, like she truly didn't belong. They wore no uniforms either. The girl wore a parka jacket overtop skirt and leggings, and the third was a heavyset boy with blonde hair and huge rounded glasses. He looked dirty and unkempt, The jersey he wore was overly large and his bubble jacket was covered in filth he sported a pair of baggy track pants that were an awful green color.

"Lockwood and Co. solve the Chelsea outbreak" I muttered reading the headline "So which one is your cousin the lanky guy?"

"No," she said amusingly.

"The girl then I thought you guys looked similar?" she continued shaking her head.
"The fat one?!" I took a second glance at the article.

"His name is George, George Cubbins, and that is Lucy Carlyle and Anthony Lockwood together they make up
Lockwood and Company"

Lockwood & CO. abroad "Shadows Over London" (fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now