Portland Row

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The flight was agonizingly painful and extremely uncomfortable. I had been on a plane once in my life when I was 12 and I hated it then, and I hated it now. Gabby had gotten us seats in economy. We were cramped and sweaty but we were together. She told me all about her cousin and the great things he had been doing. Taking on occultist ghost. destroying dangerous artifacts, finding murderers in high places, uncovering secret plots they sounded amazing, and I was impressed.

How could 3 agents do what the large agencies couldn't? we had gotten off the plane and gathered our bags, exchanged some currency, and waited out front for the taxi George had called for us. London was grey and it had a feeling of abandonment. It wasn't as lively as the magazine had shown. Ghost lamps littered the streets, vendors sat next to lavender fires selling iron charms and ghost wards, It was nothing like the states. The problem truly was getting out of hand here, agents from different companies walked the streets as if they owned it. I had a couple of scowls already when they noticed the PND insignia on my vest they knew we were not from around here. They knew we didn't belong. Nightwatch kids offered their services to keep us safe we declined tapping our rapiers.

"Are you from the States?" a young girl asked eyes wide

"We are little Miss" Gabby smiled

"come to help with the problem? the little girl asked.
Another nightwatch kid chimed in
"Come to die more like" he sneered.

"We're here to toss all your tea into the Thames, then open a coffee shop." I said they all laughed, "Tell you what miss, go grab me 2 coffees Heres 20 pounds keep the change, ill be right here"

she snatched the note and ran off smiling "No problem Mr" The smart-mouthed boy frowned deeply his iron-tipped club fell lazily to the floor.

"Done being a smartass? I asked the young boy. he nodded without looking at me. "good, we are agents, you respect Rockwell and Fittes right?" again he nodded.
"then respect us" I pulled a few chocolate bars from my vest pocket and handed them to him, his eyes widened.

"What for?" as he said this his companion returned with two steaming coffees just as a blue taxi pulled up

"Help us with our bags " he saluted and got to work. gabby gave directions to the driver the best she could. once everything was inside the taxi drove off the night watch kids waved enthusiastically as we departed

Gabby was watching me, a small smile on her face.
"You are so cute sometimes I bet they will remember you"

I waved her off "I was night watch once, lipped off to an older boy" I chuckled to myself.
"he kicked the shit out of me"

We laughed and chatted about our destination, Gabby spoke mostly of her family, how her father came to live in the States, why Georges's mom never left and what it was like growing up here, she was 10 when she left. we spoke about Lockwood and his legacy we had heard about the famous Lockwood family, his parents were researching visitors they had a huge collection of artifacts, we spoke of how both his parents and older sister died, how he came to own his family home and open his agency. all public records of course, as for Lucy Carlyle... Gabby couldn't find a thing about her other than she worked for a small agency about 4 years ago, they had all died. she was a great listener but that was the extent of what we knew.

As we passed centuries-old homes and buildings I could see why the problem was huge here, everything was so old, dating back centuries, and lots of bodies and sources were probably hidden in walls, crevices under newly built homes. I couldn't imagine living here. I would be constantly looking over my shoulder.

As we passed centuries-old homes and buildings I could see why the problem was huge here, everything was so old, dating back centuries, lots of bodies and sources were probably hidden in walls and crevices under newly built homes. I couldn't imagine living here. I would be constantly looking over my shoulder wondering what creeping shadow I'd have to fend off. it was a whole new world to me. London of course was beautiful but since the problem it has lost its luster, Garbage was piled in the street, picket signs lay discarded, and police tape waved from broken telephone lines. It looked like a warzone, This was of course because of the Chelsea incident.

Lockwood & CO. abroad "Shadows Over London" (fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now