A walk in the Dark

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As soon as Laura and I stepped through the double doors it was as if all the psychic noise had ceased, it was an eerie silence, compared to the factory floor, where slight energy of the past resonated freely. I could no longer feel malice or malevolence it was as if whatever it was that had been roaming this Mill had gone deathly quiet.

Our boots echoed slightly on the concrete floor as we slowly moved through a dark corridor, safety signs hung from the corkboards that littered the walls as well as OSHA rules and regulations, schedules for employees, and clock equipment it was roughly a couple 100 feet in length with offices and bathrooms each with signs to their appointing spaces. I counted 5 doors.

peering into the first door we saw a shabby decaying break room. a refrigerator hung open, mice scurried at the invasion of our flashlights, the roof was nearly decapitated, and you could see insulation and wiring hanging through the drop ceiling. still no psychic energy just silence and the sound of our breathing. we moved on,

The next set of doors were side by side labeled bathroom/lockers. we didn't bother going in there, just yet, something told me it wasn't a worker whose spirit haunted this factory. and surely anything that could be counted as a source from a victim would have been cleaned out by now, it also helped that Laura had put her hands on both doors concentrating intently and trying to feel any presence she shook her head. and we kept moving.

"So...You and Gabby how long have you two worked together?" Laura's voice broke the silence her voice barely a whisper "She seemed pretty upset you left her out."
I didn't look at her

"Shell get over it, she knows you and Marcus shouldn't be left alone. hold my light please" We had reached a door labeled offices. turning the knob I realized it was locked and needed to be forced open.
"I've known her long enough, she's a good agent, saved my life a few times. we get along well" Handing over my penlight I pulled my switchblade from my kit belt and got to work on the lock.

"That's good" Laura's response was emotionless "I'm not sure why Marcus is here, hes a bit useless don't you think?"

I looked up at her. "this isn't an easy job, he's young so are you, it's natural to be scared"

"I'm not scared" Her eyes flashed and for a second it was like looking into the eyes of another person, a fierce person. even in the low lightening, I could see the intensity
"I may have just joined this agency but I've fought visitors before, I've dealt with tons of apparitions. back home"

The lock clicked and I straightened up." I meant no disrespect, I saw your iron circle it was good very impressive, no doubt you'll make a proper agent, that's why I asked you to come with me, I wanted to see what you could do." I turned the knob and slowly opened the door it creaked loudly

Laura chuckled, "That's all well and good, But when do I get to see what you can do?"

My eyes were fixated on the room i could see rows of desks and computers all neatly fit into the small office cubicle circled them and towards the furthest section of the room was a window i could see a faint black shadow vibrating slightly
from the low light of the ghost lamp below

"Right now as a matter of fact I said" drawing my rapier

It's never fun fighting a visitor, they're fast and they are extremely relentless, and being ghost-touched could kill you in an instant or... you lose a limb quickly, being ghost-touched means you've come in contact with ectoplasm from the visitor which gives you a wound similar to Frostbit, without boosters and standard meds for agencies you'll meet your end rather quickly. By the time my rapier was out and I had finished my sentence the black shadow lunged at me its dark hands outstretched psychic screaming filled my ears. I dived out of the way just as the shadow reached the corridor laura was fast her rapier sliced the air cutting the spirit in two and redirected it just to the left of me. where it began to reform.

I pulled a magnesium flare from my belt closed my eyes and Whipped it against the wall. the glass tube shattered and the corridor was filled with blinding white light. the smell of burned iron filled my nose and made me cough. I rolled onto my stomach pushed myself up and grabbed my rapier. the visitor was gone, Laura and i stood back to back. the temperature was falling quickly ice crystals started forming on our boots and vests.

"Do you see it?" Laura whispered her voice desperate

"No I couldn't even sense it, I couldn't hear it, it's been silent this entire time" We stood still. our penlights had dropped and were now on the floor flickering in and out, this usually occurs when a visitor is around. electrical interference, the lights were giving a dim strobe effect. shadows danced all around us.

"What do we do I can't see?" huffed Laura

"Do you have any iron filings?" my eyes were closed, the strobe was affecting my vision as well...my sight was useless, I stood listening for any disturbances.

"No, you?"

"Front pouch on my belt, I need you to listen can't see anything You have to get it"I felt Laura's cold hands pat me down gliding against my stomach then onto my belt she pulled the canister from my kit belt

"Circle please quickly." I could feel her presence circling me and I could hear the iron filings sprinkling on the floor i hadn't sensed the visitor yet, hadn't heard its shallow breathing or distant voice.
I heard Laura toss the can to the side, and I opened my eyes, I wish I hadn't.

In between the strobing penlights, I could see a dark shadow just inches from my face held back by the iron filings i could see its shallow face, its empty eye sockets. its elongated form its claw-like hands.

"Hello you silent prick" It was only now that I could faintly hear the spirit, it said no words all I could hear was labored breathing and somewhere in the distance an angry voice, yelling, chastising it was as if a child were being scolded, I closed my eyes and could see flashes of an older gentleman, a large mustache and a scar just above his eye, his finger positioned into my chest he was scolding me telling me to do what I had asked or....or else.

"Jericho we can't stay here, we need to find the source and get rid of it"

"One problem there Laura he's not moving and if we do he will chase...I think he is trying to tell us something..." I stared at the visitor, and he stared back. putting my rapier back into my belt I closed my eyes and listened. I could feel the wretched thing melding its psychic energy with mine, it was a nasty feeling my skin crawled goosebumps appeared over exposed skin, and my hair stood on end, it was like a surge of electricity coursing into my frontal lobe. suddenly I heard a faint soft-spoken voice.

"301" and just like that the entity was gone. all psychic pressure was gone, our penlights shone bright and Laura and I stood in an empty corridor. my breathing regulated and stole a glance at Laura, her hair was wild her eyes wide i could tell she was frightened but just as quickly as the emotion spread across her face it was gone, we learned in training that the more you fear the more the visitors fed and the stronger they got.

"I think we should have checked the locker rooms," i said brightly

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