● Chapter - 29

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In the night,

Taehyung and Hanni had done their dinner and now had gone to their respective rooms to sleep. Taehyung is lying on the bed in his room and was trying to sleep but he couldn't. He kept remembering when the three of them slept together like a happy family a few days ago. He felt some regret for not stopping Jungkook, but even if he had stopped him, what could he have done? His mind, which had been in turmoil for the past two days, didn't calm down whether Jungkook is here or not. And it was probably for the best that Jungkook had left because ignoring him was the most difficult task.

Taehyung was lost in these thoughts when suddenly there was a knock on his room door. He wondered who could be here at this hour? Just then, his door, which was unlocked, opened and there stood Hanni in his night suit. Upon seeing him, Taehyung quickly sat up on his bed. He asked surprisingly, "What happened, Hanni? Why Haven't you slept yet?" "I can't sleep Dadda, can Hanni sleep in your room tonight?" Hanni asked innocently. Taehyung's heart filled with emotion upon seeing Hanni's sad face. It had been such a long time since he had seen Hanni so sad. Hanni's sadness was piercing Taehyung's heart. Immediately, he spread his arms and gestured for Hanni to come to him. It was as if Hanni received a green signal. He quickly ran to Taehyung's bed and climbed up, hiding himself in Taehyung's embrace.

Taehyung tightened his arms around Hanni. He held Hanni to his chest as if he wanted to take away all his sorrows. After all, why wouldn't he? Hanni is a piece of his heart. The comforting hug from his dadda shattered Hanni's facade of strength, and he found himself crumbling into Taehyung's embrace, tears streaming down his face instead of maintaining a strong demeanor. His sobs were making Taehyung's heart restless. After all, what happened that Hanni was crying so much? He knew that his son was so strong that he could not cry so much because of a puppy. Surely something has happened? He released Hanni from his arms and asked him, "Hanni, what happened? Why are you crying so much?" "Dadda! Hanni is missing mumma a lot." Hanni said sobbing.

Taehyung's heart felt a little relaxed after listening to him. He felt that something wrong had happened with Hanni. But Taehyung did not know that something really wrong had happened with Hanni and that is why he did not even talk to his mumma the whole day. But now, when his mother had left from here, his little innocent heart is very sad. He had become accustomed to his mother's presence, and after not talking to him since last night, Hanni was now really wanting to talk to him. He wanted to hear his mother's voice. But for now, his mother was not here, so he came to his dadda instead. After hearing Hanni's words, Taehyung asked him, "So now you're missing your mumma, but when he was here, you ignored him. You didn't even say goodbye properly to him." Hanni lowered his head. Yes, it was true that he had done that, but only he knew why he had done so, and he couldn't tell his dadda because he didn't want him to get angry with his mumma. He felt that if he told his dadda about the incident with the drawing, his dad would get angry with his mumma, so he remained silent.

Seeing his silence, Taehyung felt that hanni might have done it because he was upset with Jungkook for not requesting soojin on his behalf. He thought that Hanni might not have liked it because Jungkook didn't prioritize him in front of soojin. Therefore, Taehyung thought that he should tell Hanni about the puppy incident so that his sadness could be alleviated. Therefore, Taehyung thought that he should tell Hanni about the Yeontan so that his sadness goes away. So he said to Hanni, "Actually, your mumma didn't want me to tell you this because he wanted to surprise you, but since you're feeling so sad, I'm telling you." "What is it, Dadda?" Hanni asked, confused.
"Your mumma has bought both Yeontan and Sadie for you." Taehyung said happily.

Hanni's eyes sparkled after hearing this news. He became very happy after knowing this and forgot all his sadness. He excitedly said to Taehyung, "Really dadda? Mumma really bought Yeontan? But how? Huh... Surely this time too Mumma must have made a good plan and bought Yeontan from soojin for Hanni. Mumma is the best.... he knew that Hanni wanted Yeontan, so this time also he might have fooled soojin and taken Yeontan from him for Hanni because Hanni's mumma loves Hanni very much. Hanni's eyes was shining while saying this. His downcast face had once again lit up as if he had found all the happiness in the world. Taehyung was lost in his happiness and seeing him so happy, Taehyung felt that he had done well by telling Hanni about Yeontan. But then a thought struck Taehyung's mind. that Jungkook had fooled soojin for Hanni. He clearly heard that from Hanni's words that Jungkook had trapped soojin in some plan.

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