● Chapter - 30

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After a while, Taehyung and Jungkook return downstairs together. They notice everyone is already seated for dinner. Bogum winks at them, indicating that he has taken care of everything. Seeing them together, Bogum understands that they have reconciled, and he is happy for them. Jungkook and Taehyung take their seats at the dining table. Hanni is having dinner with Mrs. Park. The servants served food to Taehyung and Jungkook, and they both began to eat. Just then Jungkook's gaze fell on Hanni, who had spread all the vegetables a side Bibimbap. He was only eating rice & small pieces of chicken which were added. Seeing this, Jungkook Said to Hanni, "Hanni, you should also eat vegetables. Today you did not have your milk,& now you're also not eating vegetables. This won't do. You should have at least one healthy item throughout the day." But Mumma, Hanni doesn't like it....it's Eww!!!" Hanni protested, scrunching his little face. "Alright, then we'll get milk for you instead. You really like that, don't you? And besides, you need to maintain good health.After all, you're always saying you want to be strong like a superhero and protect your dear Mumma." Taehyung said with with a mischievous glint. Hearing his words, Hanni pouted and retorted, "Dadda, we should also get sweets for you so that after eating them, you start speaking sweetly... After all, you need to speak sweetly, otherwise you'll never impress Hanni's mom because...he like sweet talkers like me."

Hearing Hanni's words, everyone bursts into laughter. Jungkook had become habituated to both of them, every time they argued, it turned into quite an entertainment for him. That's why he never stopped them from arguing, and Hanni always had the upper hand over Taehyung. People thinks hundred times before speaking in front of kim Taehyung. Out of fear that something might slip from their mouths that could anger Taehyung, his own son, he argued with him in such a way that he always shut Taehyung's mouth, and poor Taehyung couldn't say anything in return. When everyone was making fun of Taehyung, Taehyung's face was worth seeing. He is having a big pout, and eyes widened with surprise looking at Hanni, he thought in his mind how duplicitous his son was. Last night when his mumma was not here he was so dependent on him and today he was making fun of him again. Seeing Taehyung and Hanni, Mrs.park looks towards her son Bogum who is sitting alone. Was enjoying everything while eating food. She says to Bogum, "Look, Bogum, this is what family happiness looks like. Look at Taehyung, how happy he is after getting settled. That's why I keep telling you to get married. And be happy."

After listening to Mrs Park, everyone looks at Bogum and he says irritably, "Eomma, you too... are always insisting on getting married. I don't want to get married right now... right now I just want to focus on my career. That's it. I don't have time for marriage." Mrs. Park's face falls. Bogum always refused to marry. She was worried about whether Bogum would ever get married or not. Even if he marries a boy or girl from a poor family, she has no objection to it. She just wanted to see her son settle like Taehyung. Don't know whether her dream will ever be fulfilled or not? Jungkook gets a little tensed after seeing Mrs. Park's sad face. In his previous life, when he had left Hanni, Bogum had adopted him and he never got married due to the fear that he did not want to give Hanni a stepmom. But this time he is not going to leave Hanni, so whether Bogum marry in this birth or not? He doesn't know about the future but he definitely knew that Bogum was not going to marry for the next two years because in the next two years he had separated from taehyung and Hanni.

Jungkook thought that Bogum would never think about his own marriage, so he decided that he would have to arrange Bogum's marriage himself. Bogum's marriage was already on Jungkook's to-do list. And Jungkook has also included his marriage in the list too. As soon as this thought crossed his mind, the started rushing across his cheeks, he laughed at himself because on one hand, he was arranging a Bogum's marriage, and on the other hand, he was contemplating stopping, Myung's, wedding."

After dinner, Mrs. Park and Bogum were heading back home, with Jungkook, Taehyung, and Hanni walking them to their car to see them off. Suddenly, Jungkook remembered something and said to Bogum, "Bogum-ssi, I needed some help from you regarding our movie." "What kind of help?" Bogum asked. "Well, actually, I have a candidate in mind to replace Jennie, but I don't think the producer will cast her. So, could you please talk to him and convince him to cast her?" Jungkook asked. "Who are you talking about? Is she a newcomer?" Bogum asked, confused.
Jungkook said with a sarcastic smile, "No, not a newcomer but a forgotten star."
Seeing Jungkook's expressions, Bogum feels like something is definitely amiss in his mind. So, he tries to repeat Jungkook's words in his mind to understand it's meaning. And suddenly Bogum's head perked up because he realized who Jungkook was talking about. He said, "Taehee?" Jungkook nodded with a smile. Bogum also likes Jungkook's idea because he also didn't like Jennie at all. So, he immediately agrees to support Jungkook's suggestion.

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