Part 16

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Now I know that I can't ever lie about my true feelings to her.

that all this time, I thought that getting hurt by hiding what she really meant to me was way better.

than trying my chance's of what if'

We just feel the same.

- jonathan -

It was like dead air between the four of them as they sat in front of each other.

"Why are you sitting next to him?" Riza asked first, breaking the long silence between them.

"Stand up, stand up, Lauren, and take my chair," Jonathan said as he stood up and offered his seat to Lauren.

Lauren looked at them in disbelief, and Matthew was just watching them with his arms crossed on his chest.

"I know what you were thinking, but listen to me. Matthew already explained everything," Lauren said, trying to make Riza and Jonathan calm down in front of them.

"Oh, he explained everything?" Riza said in a sarcastic tone as she looked at how Matthew behaved in his seat.

"W—what?" Matthew asked, with a confused look on his face.

"And you really believed him?" Jonathan's voice became serious as he looked into Matthew's eyes.

"I still remember the last lie he told us, Lauren." Jonathan continued trying to get an answer from Matthew.

"Stop it, Jonathan," Lauren said, her voice tense as she tried to stop Jonathan from starting a fight between them.

"So you remember the truth when you asked me if I was just playing with Lauren?" Matthew spoke to Jonathan, like they were the only ones who were talking.

You could see Jonathan's face calm a little as he remembered, back in their high school days, how he confronted Matthew about Lauren's feelings for him.


"Are you making fun of Lauren?" Jonathan asked Matthew.

"I don't know what you're trying to say," Matthew answered, but he could see by the way Jonathan's eyes glared at him. on what he was trying to say to him.

"I am not going out with that girl, I already told you. I have my eyes on Lauren," Matthew continued, convincing Jonathan about his feelings.

(end of flashback)

"I can't even tell if you're telling the truth, but what did you do to Lauren? I don't think that I can take seeing you both start again," 

Jonathan said as he took his bag and walked out of the shop.

Lauren was surprised, she didn't expect that Jonathan would get mad at Matthew that way because they started as friends.

Riza shakes her head and looks at Lauren with concern.

"I try to talk to him, don't worry, and Lauren, you know I always trust you, right?" Riza said to me as she reached her hands, making her a bit assured in that moment.

"I warn you, Matthew, if you hur—t" Riza didn't even finish what she would say when Matthew's serious voice took her words away.

"I never make the same mistake again, I can't lose Lauren twice in my life." Matthew's words made Lauren look at him, even Riza was stunned for a second by his words.

Matthew is telling the truth, saying that he will not waste this chance to be with Lauren again.

"We will talk again, okay," Riza said when she went upstairs to her room.

leaving the two in silence.

"Are you okay?" Lauren asks out of concern about what happened.

"You know Jonathan, he just—"

"I know Lauren," Matthew said while looking at her, making Lauren feel that everything was alright.

"Don't worry, I will make it to Jonathan," Matthew assured her.

as Matthew caresses her cheeks and pulls her into a hug.

"Everything was fine, just stay by my side, Lauren," Matthew said as he caressed Lauren's head, touching her hair.

Assuring Lauren that all about them was just right. that even some part of him worries not about what people will think but about what his father will say.

(Matthew POV)

"The deal in Singapore was a success," Mr. Henry told me, giving me the contract that my father wants this time.

I didn't fail him.

I said to myself as I took off my coat when I entered my office.

I look around me until I see the reflection of myself on the glass wall in my office.

I change a lot—the way I dress, the way I talk—and I don't know if I am still the Matthew who I knew before.

I may have it all, but I didn't need anything of it without Lauren in my life.

After all these years, I can say what I really wanted.

and that was to be with her, my love, Lauren.

knock knock

as Ms.Liza excuses herself to enter my office, handling me a package overseas.

"It was a delivery to you, Mr. Matthew," Ms. Liza explained as she walked out, leaving the package on my table.

"Are you expecting something, Mr. Matthew?" Mr.Henry asked me as I opened the package that addressed me.

"Just something I need," I said when I finally opened it.

the black leather box, giving it an elegant look. I opened it to see if it was what I wanted to be.

but my eyes were stunned as it shine brightly in front of me when I opened the small box on it. It was simple, like I wanted, but the diamonds around it make it look so elegant.

Mr. Henry looked at me with surprise when he saw the ring.

"Mr.Matthew, are you?" Mr. Henry didn't finish his words as I cut him off.

I smile as I look at the ring in my hand. 

"Yes, I will ask someone to marry me."

I said in his face, as I knew how confident I looked at that moment.

Mr. Henry smiles at me, as I know that I have his support in everything I do. He was also like a father to me when I first met him when I started to learn about my father's business.

He taught and guided me until today, and I am in awe of him, but he also knows that I can't be the Matthew that my fathers want me to be.

'All I just need is to talk everything out to him'

"Book me a flight next week going back to New York; I need to see my father," I said to Mr. Henry as he nodded.

"I will arrange everything," Mr. Henry replied to me before he left my office.

Everything will be fine, I know I can do this this time.

(Lauren POV)

'I messed it up.'

Riza and Jonathan's sweet moments

and letting them understand Matthew's side of what really happened.

I was so frustrated when I entered the office, remembering what Riza said to me on the phone last night. It's almost been a week since we last talked about it, but Jonathan still didn't want to talk about it.

"I already talked with Jonathan, he seems fine about it. I explained everything to him," Riza said, but I know it was the opposite of what she said.

They were my best friends, and getting their approval of us was very important to me.

"Ehem!" Someone tried to get my attention, as I was still dazed by what happened.

"Tristan!" I smile when I saw Tristan, waiting inside our office. Sitting in his desk where he sit when he still work with us before.

"It's been a while, you look so busy these days," I joked at him as I took the seat on my table.

He helped me open my computer.

as he also gave me a cup of coffee, which was from my shop.

I laughed. "You should have said that you were back!"

"I just want to surprise you," he said in his high tone, like a child.

I missed how energetic Tristan was around the office, the way he joked at everyone here, and how he grew so much in the short time he stayed here.

"Oh, looks who is here!" Camile said when she entered the office.

Tristan also offered her a coffee, putting it down on her table.

"You look like—" Camile eye him from head to toe, as Tristan was so formal in his black suit.

"a real businessman," Camile praised him.

Tristan just smiled at us. Knowing his busy schedule these days, he can make some time to visit us. I heard that he would start some business overseas.

but he took some time to learn a few things before he jumped on it.

"Are you staying for good?" Camille asked him as he helped us file some papers and reports.

"Uh, I just wanted to, but I need to fly to New York next week. Some family matters," Tristan said as I looked at him.

Is Matthew going too?

I asked myself, as he said it was a family matter.

Is everything alright?

It made me worry when he said that.

"I will be back as soon as possible, I know you will miss me," Tristan joked at me, taking my worries away when I smiled at him.

Everything was fine, like Matthew always said.

We were fine.

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