Part 20

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Have you ever asked yourself on what have you done wrong in your life?

Have you already questioned God about how your life keeps going backwards from the start?

Do you really deserve everything that is happening to you right now?

At times, I do

I once asked God, 'Why can't he let me be with the man that I love? '

and until today, I didn't hear any answer.

and until now, I wanted to know why.

Tristan POV

'I'm sorry, I just got back from my business trip'
'I just saw your messages, are you okay? '
'Can we talk right now? '
'Lauren, is everything alright? '

were all my messages to Lauren. Once I read all her messages, I saw how many times she tried to call me.

I tried calling her as I drove straight to her shop in the middle of the night. I was so worried about her, as I could get a clue on what was happening.

and I was not wrong, seeing Lauren's teary eyes in front of me.

As I see her walk closer to my direction,.

We talk inside my car, a meter away from her shop.

She looks so devastated, she also lost some weight, and her eyes were so deep that I could tell that she hasn't had enough sleep these days.

"I am sorry, I should have called you about it," I said to her, as she kept so quiet for a minute, trying to hold back her tears.

"It was just—I was being too selfish right now, Lauren," I explained, trying to get her attention.

"So—where is Matthew?" She asked me again, for like the fourth time since we talked over the phone.

Her cracking voice, that plead to me to answer her question make me want to blame myself for how Lauren is hurting right now.

"I am going to New York tomorrow, I need to talk to Matthew." What Lauren said makes me stop and just look at her with those tears in her eyes.

"W—what? Are you flying to New York to see him?" I asked her.

"Wait—you didn't talk to Matthew these days?" I asked.

I am trying to see how Lauren will react to me.

and seeing her confused reaction to my question makes me want to go back to New York and hit Matthew in the face.

'How could he do this to Lauren? of all people? ' I wanted to ask myself as I took a deep breath, trying to control the anger I felt over Matthew.


"Have you talked to Lauren, about it?" I asked Matthew after our dinner with my father.

"She didn't need to know," Matthew firmly answered, which makes me feel so mad at him right now.

"Lauren needs to know this, Matt!" I argue with him, making him face me.

I couldn't tell what he was thinking, but the looks on his eyes. I know that he was hurting.

"She didn't need to know, I can talk to father about it," he said, trying to make me feel that he was confident about it.

But deep inside, we both know that he doesn't have any choice but to agree with what our father wants for us.

for him to marry the youngest daughter of William's.

'I should be happy'

Seeing Matthew look so devastated in his life right now, losing Lauren after his years of working so hard just to come back for her again.

'I should feel somewhat relieved'

that he was having a hard time now, but I was not.

as I could only feel empathy for Matthew right now.

"How about Lauren?" I asked him.

"You know, this will be on the news tomorrow," I continued asking him.

"You are hurting him again, Matthew!" I told him, as I knew he didn't know what he would do.

"I'm only going to marry Lauren!" Matthew's voice growled over the place, making some people look in our direction.

"You know how much I care for her, I will do anything for her!" He continued.

"Just for a month, I just need one month, Tristan, and I will go back to her," Matthew said to me.

I feel so helpless—not for me, but for him. for Lauren, who was waiting for him.

I feel so sorry knowing how Lauren could feel right now.

"If you didn't go back for a month, I just took it. I will take Lauren away from you," I said as I looked at him straight in the eyes.

I didn't know, but I was hoping for Matthew to answer me at that moment.

that I wanted to hear from him that 'he can't let me have Lauren'.

But he didn't speak, he just stayed quiet with me for a few minutes.

without any words.

(end of flashback)

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