Part 18

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What is a happy ending for you?

It is where they get married and start a family, or it is when they understand where their life lesson took them after all these years of enduring the pain and trying to love again.

I want to know how a chance can took them all again from the start.

Lauren POV

"I can't believe that you are leaving us in just two weeks," Katherine said as we walked back into our office after lunch.

"We will visit you in your shop, so give us a discount, okay?" Camile joked at me as we took the elevator going up.

"Oh, did Tristan visit here last week?" Katherine asked as I nodded at her, taking a sip of my juice.

"You know he has his eyes on you, right?" Katherine continued, and I almost spilled up the juice in my mouth.

Camile and Maddie laugh at me when we get off the elevator, trying to tease me again to Tristan.

"I already told you, Tristan was like—"

"We know! Like a brother to you," they said at once, stopping me from saying it again to them.

Tristan and I already talked, I invited him for lunch when he visited us in the office last week, and I said everything to him.


"I got back at Matthew," I first said, but he was not surprised at all, like I was expecting him to be.

He smiled, playing at the food on his plate.

"I know, I dropped by your shop the first thing I got back here I saw both of you." he explained, looking at me.

I can tell how gloomy he was, but he still manages to smile in front of me. I have no excuses, and I know he understands that I didn't have to tell it again to him.

"You remember when I told you before that I just wanted you to let me stay by your side?" Tristan said while laughing.

"I shouldn't say that, I should just always have you by my side, Lauren," he explained.

"I shouldn't be friendly to you," he continued.

"Tristan," I called his name, trying to lessen the heaviness of his words. In which I could feel he regretted the things we shared for a short time.

"I'm sorry, I just care for you, Lauren," he said, looking at me.

"And Matthew is not the person who can give that to you." What Tristan said to me gave me some pain inside my heart.

He was being reasonable now.

"Look, I don't care if it was not me, but don't trust Matthew," he said in a desperate tone, so unlikely for him.

Tristan has never talked to me like this before.

"I know you didn't like Matthew, but what you are saying to me doesn't make sense, Tristan," I said to him, as I could feel I was not liking where our conversation was going.

"You didn't understand, Lauren. Matthew is the man of my father's wealth. Do you think it was just as simple as loving him? He can leave you agai—n"


the sound of my hand in his face, get's some attention of the people around us.

I can't help myself as I feel so mad at Tristan right now.

slapping him, just to make him stop.

I get my bag, leaving him so shocked and hurt for what I did, but hearing all of his words makes me see what kind of person Tristan really was.

His jealousy over Matthew was insane.

(end of flashback)

"Look at this, do you like this color or should I get this one?" I talk over the phone to Matthew as my video shows him the color I wanted for the interior of our house.

I already ordered the stuff we needed, as I was too excited to have it completed when he gets back from New York next month.

Yes, Matthew was in New York for a month. At first, it was just for a week, but his father wanted him to do some business-related work during his stay, so he needed to be there for a month.

It's been a week since he left, and I missed him so much.

"Everything you like, Lauren," he said as I could see he was preparing to dress in formal attire.

"Isn't it late night there? Do you still have work this time?" I asked him as I looked around the shop for some paint I wanted.

"My father called. He invited me over for dinner," Matthew said, fixing his tie and looking at me over his phone.

"I miss you, Lauren," he said, making me smile.

"I miss you too, call me back later," I said before we ended our call.

"I get this one," I said as I stopped and pointed at the vivid color ash blue that we will use to paint the house.

Everything looks so perfect these days. Jonathan and Riza started their relationship not as friends anymore, but they always bicker over small things like they used to, which makes them both look so cute.

Riza has already started her clothing business, as the both of them model everything in her shop.

My shop also was running so smoothly as I tried to learn some recipes and as I also plan to took some lessons in baking when I left my work at Matthew Company.

I could wish for nothing more.

as I know that I was almost there, with my own happy ending.

"Congratulations!" Maddie shouted as she tossed her glass at us.

We laugh as Maddie is already drunk from just drinking two glasses of beer tonight. It was my last day of work, and weeks just passed by so quickly. I invited them to go out for dinner, but we ended up having a drink instead.

"Should I also follow Lauren and resign?" Maddie said, drinking the beer in her glass.

"You're already drunk, Maddie," Camile said as she tried to get the beer in Maddie's hands.

"If it's not for my business, you know that I will not resign from my job," I said to them, as I really enjoyed my 3 years working with them.

"Yes, the company itself was not bad, just the coming new management, maybe," Camille said, pouring me a drink.

"New management?" Kathrine asked as Maddie leaned on her shoulder, trying to hear what we were talking about.

"They said over the meeting last week that we were merging companies over William's," Camile said, taking a sip of her glass.

"Merging, like two companies combining, how?" I asked as I was confused hearing what she said.

"Didn't you hear the news?" Maddie asked us with a look in her eyes.

"Someone is getting married," Camile whispered to us.

I could feel my heart beat when she said that, 'Does Matthew already tell his father about us? Is that why he was in New York? '

"Oh! I saw that! W—wait!" Maddie shouted as she looked for her bag and got her phone.

She searched for something on the internet and showed it to us.

"It's been on the internet since yesterday, they look so perfect, right?" Maddie said, smiling as I got her phone from her hand.

'William's marriage to Carter : two merging company'  was the article all about, with Matthew photo on it and a girl that I've never seen before.

'But he said he would marry me? '

I look at it like I have seen a ghost. I excuse myself, as I need some air to breathe for a second.

I looked for my phone and just dialed Matthew's number on it.

It feels like I didn't know what I was doing in that moment, but one thing is for sure.

I was afraid,

I needed to hear something from him.

I need to know what he would say to me.

'rrrinng' 'rrriiiiiing' 'riiiingggg'

I could feel my own heartbeat, so loud as I was waiting for him to pick up the phone.

'riiiin---" he finally answered.

"Uhm, hello?" a woman's voice answered his phone.

I can't speak, it feels like something stuck in my throat for a moment.

"Hello? W—ait Matthew is still in the bathroom, should I—"

I ended the call, as I cannot wait to hear more.

I smiled, and I laughed at myself. as I saw the ring Matthew gave me on my necklace. I remember how he gave me this ring first thing when we woke up early at the morning when he took me to our house.


"I almost forgot to give you this, Lauren," Matthew said, opening the small box as we both just woke up.

"You almost forgot the most important thing." I laugh at him.

"Lauren, be with me forever," he asked as he got the ring that was surrounded by a diamond and gently put it in my Ring Finger.

It looks so perfect. He looks so perfect.

I hug him so tight. that I know that I couldn't take it again if I lost this man this time.

(end of flashback)

This time, I can't take losing him again.

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