eleven ~ surprise?ఌ

563 15 111

chapter eleven
october 5th, 2023

jaylee pov
(lowercase intended)

tw ~ sh


TERRIFIED WAS probably the only way i could explain how i felt right now. i felt better than i did when i had passed out which was odd. i wasn't on the floor, i was on my couch like i was in my dream. i got scared that jackson would actually be here this time, but thankfully he wasn't there. somebody else was though.

"walker..?" i rubbed my eyes to make sure he was actually here and i wasn't just just dreaming again. but sure enough, he was still there.

"princess oh my god thank god you're awake." he scrambled out of the chair next to the couch and practically suffocated me in a hug. i was in a little too much which to even process it though.

"walker what are you doing here?" i pulled away from his hug and looked into his tired eyes. his hands cupped my face and i subconsciously leaned into his touch. his thumbs caressed my cheeks.

"i wanted to surprise you but i think i came at a really bad time." he looked decently scared. i felt bad because i didn't mean to scare him at all. i didn't even know he was coming over. i mean he didn't live far but still.

"i'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you walker." i sniffled and wiped my nose with my sweatshirt sleeve. i didn't really bother wiping off my mascara stains. "im okay now." i lied.

"no you aren't princess, and that's okay. it's okay to not be okay." he took his hands off my face and a cold breeze swept over the new absence.

"i know that walker. i got everything out and im gonna be okay." i was trying to convince myself more than him. stuff like this is kind of why i used to relapse. i don't do that anymore (almost 4 months clean :)), but this whole thing is scaring me. even just the dream of him breaking into my house scared me so bad.

"i know you're lying jaylee. i can't force you to tell me the truth, but please just talk to me. you're never going to burden me and i literally feel sick to my stomach whenever you're sad. all i want is to help you and watch your pretty smile come back." he was so sincere it made me want to cry. and pretty smile..?

"thank you walker. it means the world to me." i sat up and engulfed him in a hug. he hugged back and put his head into the crook of my neck and a faint pink tinted my face.

walker eventually started to lean back on the couch while still being entangled in my arms, so i followed him and layed on top of him. he started messing with my hair and my breathing started to slow down a little. my eyes grew heavy and eventually closed shut.

before i was actually able to take a nap, walker gently kissed my forehead. "please lord touch her gentle heart." he prayed so softly i barely heard him. i instantly got butterflies, and took a much needed nap.


when i woke up, walkers arms were lazily draped around my waist. we were still 'cuddling' i guess, so i was pretty content with where i was right now. i shifted slightly to try and get a little more comfortable, but woke walker up in the process.

"well goodmorning sleepy head." he opened his eyes slightly to look at me.

"it's the afternoon walker." i mumbled and laid my head back down on his chest and nuzzled into his warmth. i think his heartbeat sped up? i could be crazy though.

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