four ~ the dreamఌ

785 13 34

chapter four
september 25th, 2023

jaylee's pov
(lowercase intended)


"WHERE AM I?" i whispered to myself. i was in an all black room. no light, no windows, no walls, no ceiling, and basically no floor.

i walked around for what seemed like hours getting nowhere. no matter how far i walked or how fast i ran, i got absolutely nowhere.

i suddenly tripped on air and started falling. my heart dropped as i fell, though i was fine once i realized i didn't fall far. though as i looked up, there was a box. it was slightly open as there was no tape leaving it closed.

i cautiously opened it, only to find nothing inside the box besides for a blank piece of paper. i muttered curse words to myself. hours of wandering and this is what i find?

i went to rip the paper but it wouldn't. no dents, it found or crumple, couldn't rip, it was practically invincible. i muttered a lot more colorful words.

i tossed the paper on the floor and turned around. but when i turned around, i saw the last thing i wanted to see. my breath hitched as it was now stuck in my throat. i couldn't breathe. was i dying? was this was death felt like?

i saw her. the prettiest girl i had ever laid my eyes on. the one girl i could never see again. the one girl i loved more than anyone or anything.

my best friend who died two years ago.

i dropped to me knees as my breath released out of my mouth and finally, i let everything out. i sobbed and sobbed for forever. pent up anger. pent up stress. i was scream crying. mascara was 100% covering my cheeks and i couldn't breathe through my nose with all the snot coming out of it.

i cried and cried and she just stood there. looking down at me with an unreadable expression. i just stared at her while i was having a full blown panic attack, unable to move.

after what seemed like an eternity, my uncontrollable sobbing turned into quiet tears. the most uncomfortable silence anyone will ever experience in their life.

"why." i whispered so low i could barely hear myself. i balled my fists and let my hands rest at my sides as i let myself grow angrier.

"WHY." i say much louder. it's not fair. this isn't fair. why was she here. she's gone. dead. a mere corpse under the ground. why the hell was she here, in front of me.

tess took slow, agonizing steps toward me. i almost yelled at her to get back but i couldn't. my body wouldn't physically allow me to tell her to go.

"jaylee." she whispers, now right in front of me. i shake my head. this wasn't real. this was some kind of sick joke someone wanted to play on me.

"jaylee look at me." she raised my head to look at her, both her hands cupping my face. tears start slowly streaming down my face every time i blink.

"why did you leave." i need to stay strong. this may be the last time i see her again. ever. i can't let this go to waste. God let me see her one more time so i'm taking advantage of it.

"i had to, jay. you don't understand why now, and maybe you never will. but i had to." i choked up a sob.

"you didn't have to leave. i could've helped you, you could've told me-"

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