Ɇ₱ł₴ØĐɆ 20

49 5 11

₴Ɏ₦Ø₱₴ł₴ : Did you like the gift?


After excusing ourselves we went back to the room and as I entered I saw Hoseok near the desk giving us his back and indeed his hair was wet. He just came out of the bath.

Seeing his back I smirked to myself and said shh to Yoongi before moving forward to Hoseok silently and when I was near enough I jumped towards him and snaked my arm to his shoulder surprising him.

"Yahh finally I get to see a sight of you!" ~⁠(⁠つ⁠ˆ⁠Д⁠ˆ⁠)⁠つ⁠。⁠☆

He looked at me with wide eyes as I jumped and after a second he composed himself and looked back at whatever he was doing. "Be careful."

"Yeah yeah I know!!" I said while separating myself from him and continued further with a wide smile. "I have something to tell you both!!"

"And what is it?" Yoongi said getting near us while Hoseok didn't even look at me.

"You guys always wanted me to stop hurting myself right?" I said looking back and forth between Yoongi and Hoseok. Hearing me Yoongi nodded in agreement while Hoseok hmmed, still doing something. It felt odd as Hoseok never did this...he always gives his full attention to me when I speak... Jerking off this feeling I continued. " Then rest assured I will never again cut my arm!! I promise!!!" (ノ^∇^)

"Really?" Yoongi said with a little surprise.

"Yeap!!" ^^

"Great!" Yoongi said giving me a warm smile.

"Good you decided to stop." I turned smiling widely after hearing Hoseok but he was not smiling at all...he was carrying some tools like he was about to leave. "I'm happy you finally stopped."

"You are going somewhere?" I asked looking at tools.

"Yes, I want to busy myself by work so I thought of making arrows from branches I just collect. Okay then I'm going." He said the last sentence by looking at Yoongi and left without waiting for a reply. ...he really is not feeling like him..

"Did something happen?" I looked at Yoongi who was looking at the door the Hoseok just left.

"No, I don't think so...he was completely okay yesterday."

"Hmm...Weird!" Shrugging a little he looked at me and spoke. "You had a talk with her?"

"How did you know??" I questioned with surprise visible on my face.

"I guessed and judging by your face I could tell you have resolve things with her."

"Yeah I did and I came here to actually tell this." I said while stroking my hair in embarrassment. "But I guess Hoseok is busy right now. So I will tell him later."

"Hmm he always wanted that so he will be happy to know that." I hmm at him but my mind went far from it. What if he ever knows about my reason for bullying...it will end up hurting him badly... No I will never let him know about it. Never!


I was sitting alone in the yard surrounded by my own ocean of thoughts. I was remembering all the previous incidents that happened until now.

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