Chapter 51: Selfless

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Slamming the door behind her, Diego roughly pinned Candy against the wall, his demanding lips moving against hers in hunger. Her taste drives him crazy and fuck! He misses her. He missed every inch of her. He knew she felt the same judging from how she pulled his head close.

They were both dripping wet from the hard rain. Only he knows how had he had held himself during the little drive home.

Diego's callous hand trailed down to her fine round ass groping them hard as he lifted her up to himself.

Candy's hard erected nipples pressed against his chest, her legs snaked around his torso and their lips still dangerously molded. Both not wanting to stop.

'I love you' That words rang into Candy's head over and over. The more she thought the man was now hers, the more she wanted him. She missed being crushed and explored by him..

As he carried her, Diego gently walked up to the bedroom, and headed straight to the shower. Without breaking the kiss, he turn on the shower. A sweet moan escaped her pump wet lips as the water wet them both.

Growling into her mouth, he was so hard as fuck, hoping he won't tear her apart tonight. She knew Candy loves the gentle side of him.. but he couldn't help but rip his own shirt off. He ripped Candy's wear too, and undressed until they were both naked.

Holding her face close, their tongue rolled on each other.

When their lungs desperate for air, he broke the kiss. Their breaths hits each others face as they tried to catch it.

Candy eyes flutters open, his demigod like body was before her. The water dripping down from his hard tone chest down to his packs and navel got Candy dripping. Her wet core yerned for his length.

Candy's hands reached for his body, exploring the perfection while he gaze at her in the sexiest way ever. Her hand trailed down until it got to his length. Diego grunt, his fist clinched, her touch was making him harder, he might explode.

"Hubby" She whispered, drawing her face close. Diego sight caught, her wet swollen lips, he wanted to devour it again but decided to wait to see what his wife was up to.

Candy peck one side of his cheek light and whispered. "Don't moan" she whispered. Diego smirked, is she challenging him?

When her hand moved, Diego swallowed hard, a light grunt escaped his lips since he couldn't hold it in. Her hand felt warm and tiny barely holding halt of his length. Diego's breath became shaky, he gaze at her like he was going to devour her any moment.

Sliding down to his waist level, veins tackling around his length as she held it gently, her gaze locking with his dark eyes. Diego let out a groan, sweeping his wet hair backwards.

"Fuck" He cursed under his breath feeling her lips wrapped him.. so warm driving him nuts. His muscle tensed, she was just starting and he could feel himself getting close already.

Candy made sure she maintain eye seductive contact with him. Pleasing him her lips is not a big deal for her, in fact she was an expert. Her tongue rolled on the tip, her lips gently moving back and forth his left.

"Holy shit" He cursed again, how come she is so good at it. Thrusting his length in, Diego got dangerously close to his release. His hand grip her hair as she increase her pace, while he slam himself into her mouth.

Soon, his tight tightened as he let out out his wetness. Gazing down at her, he saw how she took all of it, with her seductive gaze still on him.

He grabbed Candy up to himself under the shower.

"Good job wife" He whispered, he lifted her up, positioning himself to her entrance. Kissing her lips for a while he whispered.

"I love you" His words made Candy's heart skip a beat. In the next moment, he thrust his whole length in. They both groaned in pleasure, feeling each other's warmth for while.

"Ohhh" Candy moaned out when his thrust begin slowly, his lips ravishing her neck.

"I love you" She also confessed. Diego held the wall tight as his pace slowly turn hard. Her moan filled the bathroom, the cold water still hitting them.

In the next moment, Candy was on the bed after their intense sex in the bathroom. Her body was filled with love bites. Just below her was the devil's face buried in between her legs. Her back arch as he ate her up.

Sweat beats formed all over her, her long black hair spread across the white bed.

"Ohh Diego!!" She cried out loud as she reached her climax. Taking all of her juice, he wet kissed her body until he reached her boobs, taking her hard erected nipple into his mouth.

She moaned in ecstasy, her grip on the bed sheet tighten. Holding her face, crash his lips on hers, devouring her again. His hard member thrust into her wet core brutally.

"More hubby!" She screamed crazily and he didn't disappoint, hitting her hard every part.

"Moan out my name wife" He growled into her ear.

"Ouch Diego!!"

Diego's held one her leg up, placing it in his shoulder, and then use his second hand hold her hips. His brutal thrust continues and Candy entire body jerk at each thrust. He smirked, seeing how good he was receiving him.

Now this is his woman!!



Yazmine stepped into a bar, her eyes searching for someone.

"You're the woman we called right?" A man walked up to her and asked.

"Where is he?" She asked.

"Over there" The man pointed at Jameson sitting around the corner. Yazmine thanked the man and rushed towards him.

"James, what the hell?" She gasped seeing many bottles before him. Worries blanketed her face. She had recieved a call while sleeping and was being told Jameson was wasted.

The last time Jameson did was when their mother died.. when he lost someone..

Jameson raised his drunken gaze to her, his lips stretched up into a smile.

"Candy" His voice slur as he grin.

Yazmine swallowed hard, and sighed. She knew this was going to happen anyway, so she crossed her bag on her shoulder and helped him up.

"I must be dreaming right Candy? You should be with Diego" His mumbled drunkenly as Yazmine helped him out of the bar.

While driving, Yazmine's looked at her brother, he was busy mumbling.

"Maybe I shouldn't have bought her to the alter.. just maybe but.. I did the right thing" Jameson muttered.

"That's one thing I hate about you brother.. you're always selfless" Yazmine bite down her lips as her eyes tears up. She remembered how Jameson kept his pain in just for her happiness after their mom's death.. and he is doing it again for his friend.

"She's my friend's wife.. haha" His lips draw out a painful smile, his voice heartbroken. His voice died down as he fell asleep in the car.

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