Chapter 93: Find her

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Griffin's eyes widened, the tip was close to his face already. He managed to block the attack using his left hand. However the glass pierced through his palm, tearing of the flesh underneath because of the force.

"Fuck!!!" Griffin's roared in pain.

Old Mavis let out a small smile. She is really Diego's wife. His smile dropped when Griffin flipped Candy over.

He was now on top. When Candy tried to move, Griffin took one of the glass piece and placed it on her neck. He teeth gritted as he trying to hold the pain she had inflicted. She tried to move.

"One move and I swear I cut your fucking neck!" He barked and Candy stayed still.

She suddenly started to laugh surprising Griffin. She asked "How did you kill him?"

"Tssk... Why do you wanna know?" He asked.

"Am I not allowed to know how my husband died, big guy?" She asked.

Vincient held a disturbing look the entire time. His thought was in a total mess.

Griffin was seeing a completely different woman. Not the one that look innocent.. just with that thought made him want her the more.

What a nice wife his brother has.

"Well you know Shortie. I took over a clan and trap your husband there with bombs all over. He blew up with the building" Griffin replied with a smirk.

"Still a fucking coward" Candy scoffed. The sharp glass still on her neck and her body pinned by his weight.

"You must still be thinking your husband is still alive. Sorry to burst your bubbles sweetheart, I saw his body burnt all over!" He spat.

"Griffin let her go!" Old Mavis spoke worried for Candy.

Griffin switched on holding Candy's neck, squeezing it hard, choking her.

Her hand reach for his, trying to remove it.

"Just let darkness creep in Candy. When you wake up, we'll be having a wedding" He smirked.

Candy hiss at the pain he was inflicting. He was strong.. probably strong as her husband. A fist- fight with him isn't a good idea.

Candy could feel herself losing conciousness because of lack of breath. She tried fighting against it but her eyes closed against her will

Griffin released her and took a deep breath. His hand bleeding badly. Blood dripping down from some parts of his body, in which the glasses had pierced through.

If he wasn't fast enough. Candy would have killed him.. that was the last reaction he had expected from her.

At night, Griffin wounds were cleaned, a bandage wrapped around his hand and his gaze cold.

A maid stepped into, pouring out a glass of water according to his request.

"Is she awake?" Griffin asked. Candy had been asleep for over three hours. It's almost night already, he was planning to take her somehow.

Not with force, but in a way she'll submit herself to him. A smile creep on his face as he ordered the maid. "Check her out again"

The maid left after a bow and head towards the room where Candy is.

When she opened the door, she found Candy laying with her eyes close in the dark room. She was still asleep. The maid had saw the scene hours ago and felt bad for the woman. With a sad look, she left the room.

As the door close, Candy eyes flew open. She sat up and took the rope she was preparing. After she finish, she wore a black pant, pant and cap. A backpack hanging on her shoulder..

Diego is somewhere out there and she could feel it.

This was the reason she haven't let a cry out even after hearing the news. She opened her palm and stared at the bracelet in her hand..

'I'm coming Di' She thought.

At midnight, Griffin couldn't contain his urge so he marched his way to Candy's room.

The moment he opened the door, his eyes darkened. Shortie was nowhere to be found.

"Find her!!" He roared at his minions..


Silence hung through the air as several men sat on the floor on their prison jump suit.

Aiden bit his lips staring at Jameson sitting around the corner.

"He had been like that for days" Aiden spoke beside Einstein who also turn his head to him.

Without a word, Einstein stood and walked to sit beside Jameson.

"When was the last time you eat well? You look like a ghost" Einstein said and Jameson sighed.

"Don't try to console me" Jameson said in a hoarse voice..

"We should at least hold our ground. We still have people out there to protect" Einstein said to the broken guy.

It was time for lunch, all prisoners came out, heading towards a large hall. The trio went to the counter having servers delivering meals.

Jameson took his and went to sit around a quiet corner.

"That punk is going to kill himself with thinking" Einstein mumbled going to sit with him. Aiden did the same.

A figure stepped in. Pink short hair, slim and tall. He seems too beautiful to be a man. Eyes stared at him as he walked towards the trio and sat with his meal.

They all looked up at him at once and frowned.

"What's up" He said, his voice pretty tiny.

"You kinda look familiar" Aiden mumbled.

"I am familiar" Came a reply.

"Phoenix?" Einstein figured out. They didn't recognized her immediately because of the make up that made her look like a man.

"Wow, you healed pretty fast" Aiden said.

"I was drugged with not much injuries. So I was fine within three days. Your team are pretty awesome and secretive" She smiled.

"Thanks" Aiden smiled.

"What in the world are you doing here?" Jameson asked.

"To see you guys, dummy" Phoenix replied.

"So you cut your hair, change your look and where did you boobs go?" Jameson asked.

"I'll kill you" Phoenix said but then hiss rubbing her chest. "Gosh, I can't wait to take these off.. I can't even breath well. It was so hard to get in here. Right, I saw the 'give up' look on you face Jameson"

Jameson sighed looking away.

"Your sis, Jackie and Candy need you guys. Beside, how sure are you Diego is dead?" Phoenix asked.

"I saw his body.. but.. I.." Jameson paused.

"And you think it's really him? You're the closest to Diego here.. so think deep about it" Phoenix said.

Jameson bit down his lips. That strange feeling he got when he saw the body. It feels like he wasn't the one but then.. how did the bracelet get to his hand. He was holding it tight.

Phoenix swept her short hair backward at Jameson's silence. "Don't you guys think it's weird they transferred you back to the city. They said you terrorized Moscow.. why did they transferred you back to the city so quick?"

Einstein looked back the military men. They mostly look their direction.

"They work with Griffin" Einstein stated.

"Yeah right" Phoenix mumbled.

"So you got into this prison because you wanted to check on us?" Aiden asked with a frown.

"I was wondering why you guys are taking so long here. Candy escaped the mansion.. probably finding a way to travel to Moscow"

The three eyes widened.

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