Chapter 59: Dream

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Diego's arms enveloped Candy as they prepared for sleep, cherishing their heavenly moments together.

"Hubby?" Candy's voice was soft as she trailed her fingers across his smooth chest, nestled in his embrace.


"Could you tell me a story?" she asked, her head resting against his arm.

Diego looked down at her, pondering for a moment before responding in his deep voice, "Would you like me to read you a book?"

"That's not it... I just want to hear one from you," Candy replied, hoping he understood her. She reached up, tucking loose strands of hair behind her ear as she waited for his response.

"Alright," he said, a hint of amusement in his tone, eliciting a smile from Candy.

"Once, there was a six years old boy who lived happily with his parents. He came from a rich home so his life was perfect with no flaws. This boy had a talent of music, he plays piano, mostly during his leisure times. Unfortunately for him, his father was in disapproval of it"

Candy face dropped a little. "But why?"

"His father wanted his son to be the next leader of his famous company, but that wasn't the boy's dream. His desire for music grew even strong after his father disapproval He practice in secret, join a musical team in school. Seeing his passion, his mother decided to help her son in secret as both plan to convince the father some how"

"Is the mother musically talented too?" Candy asked engrossed by the story.

"The father was the talented one but gave up on his dream because of his position. The boy got the talent from him. He didn't only have a problem with his father but also the school too. A group of seniors said to be his rivals in music. They wanted to recognized but a little boy stole that spot light.."

"After a year, the young boy won a competition, his heart jumped with so much joy. But...when the father saw this....

Snatching the crafted trophy from the young boy's hand, the handsome man threw it against the wall spitting it into two.

"Father?!" The boy exclaimed but got hit on the face in return. The boy's eyes widened, this would be the first time his father will treat him coldly and he hated it.

"Why are you so disobedient!!" The man roared causing the boy to shudder.

"You are the upcoming president and you should act like one. You should be studying hard every single minutes that passes by. Associating with those lower than you shouldn't be too nice. You are my son! Let me down and you'll face the consequences!" With this, the man left the seven years old boy gritted his teeth with anger.

Wiping his tear with the back of his arm, he heard the voice of his mother behind.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" She asked walking close but the boy ran out heading straight to his room. He dropped to the floor and began crying.

Soon, he heard a loud crash sound which jolt him up from his slumber. He thought he was hallucinating but the crash came again, this time a scream..

"Mother?" The boy stood up immediately and ran to the biggest room in the mansion. As he tried to get in, the butler of the house stopped him.

"Let go off me, I want to check what's going on" The boy tried storm in but the butler held him tight.

"Don't go in young master. It's for your own good" The old man spoke calmly, the boy could see the hint of pity in his eyes.

The sound of whip and cries, caught the boy's attention again. This time, the boy yell.

"What are you doing?!!" He managed to free himself and hit the door hard. The whips and cries didn't stop instead, he noticed the person crying trying to suppress it...

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