Chapter 77: Fist fight

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Are you hitting on my wife?..."

Griffin groaned in disbelief, fuck! Why does he of all people have to be Shortie's husband?

"You certainly piss me off Diego" Griffin mumbled, his gaze turning cold as he began to step towards Diego's direction.

Diego did the same, approaching him too. "I told you to take my name out of your fucking mouth"

Deadly glare locked, aura filled with fury as the marched towards themselves.

Griffin was the first to attack sending a punch towards Diego's face but it was blocked. Diego smirked at the intensity, that only woke the crazy excitement in him. Griffin didn't stop his brutal attack, both having a grin on their face.

When Diego sent his own too, his punch narrowly missed Griffin's face causing him to stumble back. Before he could regain his balance, Diego attacked again.

"Not bad asshole" Diego punch hit the wall when Griffin managed to dodge.. the wall cracked at the intensity.

"Well ain't in prison for nine years, sitting and doing nothing. I'm glad you became stronger too.." Griffin grin widened. "That will only make it more exciting"

The two attacked each other again, sending deadly punches to themselves. However, the devil's anger only made him stronger.. the fact that this bastard was hitting on his wife, made his killing instinct arises.

Diego's hit got the Griffin, bursting one side of his lips. Holding his neck, he roughly hit Griffin's back on the wall.

"I know there's nothing good in you. You'll never change!" He roared.

Griffin laughed even with the pain Diego's attack had inflicted.

"I'm glad you know" Griffin mumbled bumping his forehead with Diego. He immediately use the opportunity to swing Diego down to the floor but that didn't happen.. Diego swirl himself, not giving him the chance.

Candy was in Panic mode, these two fight was intense and fast, are they going to kill each other here? The atmosphere would made anyone shrink in fear. They were not giving each other a chance to breath.

She watch Griffin managed to punch Diego on the waist. Holding the same hand, Diego forcefully hit it, Griffin groaned.. a pumch flew to his face. Griffin dodge the next attack.

Candy's phone rang, flashing Yazmine's name on the screen. Gawd! She must be waiting for her.

Diego swiftly bought out a small dagger and swing it towards Griffin's face. The blade narrowly missed him, cut some part of Griffin's black hair.

Candy eyes widened. Diego is going to kill him. Griffin saw the look on Candy's face, and thought of something.

In the next moment, Diego shove the dagger to Griffin's stomach.

"Di!!!" Candy exclaimed not able to take the scene anymore.

Diego remove the knife made to stab Griffin's face.

"Diego stop!!!" Candy exclaimed stepping forward.

The blade stabbed the wall behind Griffin's instead. Both stopped as they stared at each other, sweating and breathing hard.

"For nine years, your name has been on my wall Diego. Each time I look at it, my hatred for you grow stronger. Do you wish to act like a jerk before your pretty wife?" Griffin asked, glancing over Candy.

Diego drew out the knife and stabbed the wall again. Griffin's attention turn back to him.

"I'm not sparing you because I want to. Your death shouldn't be this easy. I'm gonna show you those barricades is way better that you to be out here.." Diego drew his lips close. "Thinking of how much I'm going to torture you, make me feel excited Grief..."

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