Chapter 76: Medicine

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Diego was seated in the floor in his room, his face smeared with tears as those memories flood in. It was as if his wound was reopened.

"Diego" He heard the voice of Candy, filled with worries.

"Di, open the door" Candy plead lightly with a knock. Her eyes teared up, but she tried to hold it in. She could hear the man's light sob inside.

"Please Di, let me console you" She sighed when he didn't respond. Maybe he wanted sometimes alone. She slowly sat on the floor, resting her back on her husband's door. Hearing his sob, broke her heart.

Soon, Candy jolt up from her sleep when the door open. She stood when she saw Diego.

"Di" Her voice croaked staring at his face in the dark.

She didn't ask any question and pulled him close for a hug. Diego buried his face on her neck hugging her tight.

She was like his medicine...

Sweeping his wet hair backwards under the warm shower. Water dripped down his well built body, a small wound was at one side of his lip. Griffin's jaw clinched as he recalled the birthday incident..


The way she stared at Diego certainly pissed him off, most especially the fact that...

Candy's husband, was Diego...

A light mocking laugh left his lips. It's happening again.. he was craving for what Diego has.

He touched his jaw and sighed. "That punk almost broke my jaw" he mumbled and got out of the shower, a towel tightly wrapped around his torso. He lighted a stick of cigarette and began to smoke.

His stared at the city before him drowned in a deep thought. Things ain't going the way he wanted. His phone beeped and he saw a message, which made his lips twitch a little.

"I'm so sorry Jameson. I couldn't make it to the airport" Candy apologized on the phone as she made breakfast. Ever since they got here, she had restricted the maid from cooking whenever she is around.

"Don't worry Candy, I understand the situation. How is he right now?" He asked, his voice filled with worries.

"His father came here yesterday and made things a bit worst. He had been moody since then" Candy answered.

"He'll be fine. Don't worry too much"

Relief washed over Candy's face as he listened to Jameson's assurance.

As the call end, Jameson stood and went to his living room. Jackie was busy serving breakfast.

"How long are you going to be here?" He asked.

"Is that your way of saying thank you.. then you're welcome" Jackie replied.

"I told you I'm fine and can do things myself. You just need to stop doing all of these, it's getting too much" He complained and Jackie shook her head.

"Not only you are grumpy but you are not thankful. What other personality do you have?" She raise her brow.

"Hey" Jameson folded his muscular arms. "You must have forgotten I'm your boss"

"Right now, you're not my boss and I'm not your student" Jackie said returning her attention to what she was doing.

"Then what are you here for.. my girlfriend?" Those words left his mouth before he could realize. Jackie gaze went back to him, this time cold. She dropped what she was doing and approached him fast.

Jameson instinctively stepped back, due to her cold stare, his back touched the wall and she slammed one of her hand behind him. She drew her face close.

Jameson blinked in confusion, she was intimidating all of a sudden.

"Why.. why the stares?" Jameson stuttered.

"Why did you say that words?" She asked, her voice firm.


"Are you doing this on purpose? Do you really want me to leave? Fine, I will leave.. but can I ask you a question?" She raised her brow.


"Do you see me as a woman?" She asked, her voice softened.

Jameson eyes widened at her question.

"Just thirty minutes Candy, I promise" Yazmine's voice sounded over the speaker. Candy gaze moved the man sleeping beside her. She got down from the bed.

"Diego needs me beside him at the moment.."

"The evening event is really important. I and Aiden had been working on this throughout the night. The client need two superiors to show up. Jameson need full recovery, Aiden is busy.. you're the only one I can turn to" Yazmine sounded frustrated.

"Fine, fine, I'll be there" Candy rnded the call. She gave Diego one last look and went to prepare.

Before she left, she asked the maid to immediately notify her when Diego wakes up.

Just before she could get there, her car halt.

"Huh?" Candy face dropped. She got down to check the car and saw that one of her tire had flaten.

"Hey" A voice sounded behind her. Candy turn her head quickly only to see Griffin resting his back on on the wall. He was putting on black hoodie and a pant.

"You?" Candy glared. The man began to approach her but Candy immediately took the knife she warpped around her thigh and point at him.

"Don't come any closer" Candy warned and he stopped. Griffin sighed.

"I'm not here to hurt you, I just need to talk to you" He said.

"Did you approach me on purpose. All your talks about stealing me from my husband and that you want me was on purpose too? Seeing you right now make my blood boils" She stated.

"I didn't even do anything to you. I just.."

"My husband enemies are my enemies so back off.. you have no idea what this innocent lady is capable of"

Griffin clinched his jaw, not because of her word but because he had sensed someone from a distance.

Turning his head slowly to the figure direction.. he scoffed.

'Almost forgot he's everywhere' Griffin thought.

Candy traced his gaze and saw Diego standing feets away. His hands tucked into his pocket.. his gaze filled with anger.

He heard everything...

"What did I hear?.." he asked in a cold voice, holding his head high. His aura intimidating as he raised a brow at Griffin.

Diego asked.. "Are you hitting on my wife?..."

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