Kai, Tea, Thristan, Joey and the mysterious man teleported away from the danger of the monsters. They teleported in a grassy plain, full of beautiful and obscure flowers. The man landed on his feet when the others fell down onto the ground.
"Ahhh my head feels like its gonna rip in half!" Thristan yelled.
"Oh god my stomach." Tea said.
"Me too." Kai said throwing up.
Joey didn't say anything becuase he was rolling around in the grass, holding his head in pain. The man laughs.
"Don't worry, you'll get use to it while teleporting." The man said.
"Ugh. I hope so." Kai says standing up.
"That," Tea gags. "That was brutal." She says standing up.
"Ugh. Joey you okay?" Thristan said standing up.
"Does it look like it?" Joey said loudly still holding his head.
"Give it a couple minutes. It will wear off soon." The man said.
"By the way. You didn't tell us your name." Kai said.
"Right. Got kinda interupted back there didn't I? My name is Ginjo Tokken."
"Ginjo, huh? Okay then. I'm Kai Hiwajima." Kai said.
"I'm Tea Hashimi. Nice to meet you." Tea said.
"Name's Thristan Takama." Thristan said.
"Ugh, Joey Mizuka" Joey said finally standing up.
"Nice to meet all of you formally." Kugo said.
Kai noticed their weapons were gone.
"Hey our weapons are gone." Kai said.
"Objects of the human world cannot be brought to Kojinko."Ginjo said.
"Kojinko?" Tea said.
"It's the world you are standing in now. I told you, you would be taken to a different world."
"You did." Kai said.
"It's beautiful here." Tea said.
"Yeah. Apart from the major headache, this place feels uplifting." Thristan said.
"And these flowers." Joey squats down. "There nothing I've seen before."
"Haha! Yeah that happens when you travel to another world." Kugo said.
The flowers were strange. Some looked like roses but the steem was spireling, and the pedels had white sponts on them. Some looked like daises but the pedels were curled and extremly long. Then there were some whose pedels were intangled and spireled upwards. Some looked like sea urnchins stuck up on a steam.
"Don't touch those ones. They are poisonous." Ginjo said pointing at the one that looked like a sea urchine.
"If I do?" Joey said.
"Then you will experience a painful stinging feeling if your in contact. If you eat it, the plant will literally dissolve your organs."
"Okay I'll be staying away from them." Joey said standing up.
"But there is a special chemical it gives off that, if treated with the right ingredients can be used as a special bandage." Ginjo said.
"Bandage" Kai said.
''Take it and I'll take you to someone who can show you. But only grab hold of the steam to not be effected by the poison."
"Okay." Kai said turning to Joey. "Grab it Joey."
Dakudisento (The Dark Descent)
ActionKai, Tea, Thristan and Joey are a group of good friends whose world has been turned upside down. Monsters have risen up from Hell to kill everything and everyone on Earth. Then the group that all was lost when they get cornered by the monsters who a...