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An old lady in her early 50s walks to her very large sitting room and sat on her couch , Mrs Kim.

Mrs Kim POV

It was on a Sunday morning and my grand son is meant to come back, I have gotta give him a call to know his plans on coming back.

I called my maid.

"Rose!" I called out as I took the remote control.

"Yes ma'am" she answered as she came out of the laundry room.

"Please get me my phone" I said.

"Okay ma'am" she bowed and left to my room.

She got my phone and left to continue the washings, I dialed my grandson's number.

"Hello TaeTae!" I said in a smile.

"Halmeoni!, good morning how was your night?" he asked.

"really cool dear, I really missed you" I replied pretty sad.

"Halmeoni, don't forget that I'm coming home today" he said as I giggled.

"yes I can't, the cook's are preparing your fave meal" I said in a smile.

"Really! in less than 30 min I will be back home, we have gone half the journey" he said.

"Alright then we are waiting, your room is well arranged" I said.

"Halmeoni, I don't want to use the old bed sheets, cloths, shoe, cottons again" he said.

"yeah, they have been burn't, got a new one for you" I said.

"okay better, I will hang up now I'm in a middle of a chat" he said.

"Alright dear come home soon" I replied in a smile.

"love you Halmeoni, bye" he said and hanged up.

Taehyung never stops demanding and complaining, can't wait for him to come back home and stress every one.

Taehyung POV

I have really missed Halmeoni, after a full term of not seeing her finally am about seeing her am already close to water avenue.

"Can you please speed up!?" I shouted at the driver as he drove as fast as he could, he made a u-turn to the BMM where Halmeoni bought her mansion, the BMM is an estate a very beautiful environment, She bought the estate and the neighbors pays her every 2years a huge amount of money.

We drove into the estate gate and entered into Halmeoni's compound which was protected with an open iron gate, I came down of the car and ran into the mansion as the driver brought in my luggage's and took them straight to my room.

Halmeoni was already sitting on the dinning table waiting for me to arrive, the food was already neatly.

I quickly ran to grand ma as she stood up and I gave her a long warm hug, we released as she kissed my hair smiled as we sat.

"Dear finally you are back"granny said in a smile as she took a bite of the chocolate cake.

"Halmeoni, I really missed you" I said as I kept my cake on the nice looking plate.

"Awwn my kiddie Tae" she said sweetly as she rubbed my hair like a poppy.

I hate when she rubs my hair because it makes me look like a kid which am not.

"Halmeoni, you know I hate that!" I said faking an angry face.

"You hate your halmeoni rubbing your hair!?" She muttered.

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