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Jisoo POV

What's going on, what happened to the light!, I thought in tears as I could see some shadows which seems to be my imagination, I remembered the garden girls story as my fears increased.

I couldn't shout to avoid anybody seeing me naked.

Suddenly the light turned on, I was shocked and frightened by the sudden brightness as I wash my hair.

The light offed backed again making me jump in fear as I quickly took my towel with soapy body as I ran out shouting.

"Ghost in the toilet!!!"

"Ghost in the toilet please help!!!" I shouted as people came out of their rooms.

Taehyung POV

I was so engrossed on my game as heard a door open, who could that be at this time of the night I thought as I tiptoed out of my room to see Jisoo entering the bathroom.

I smiled to my self as I closed the door quietly, I thought of what to do to her but wasn't getting any plan.

I thought hard as I got an intelligent idea and walked to the female bathroom switch and turned it off quietly to avoid making a sound.

I turned it on again and back off as I quietly walked to a corner to watch her next move, I gotta know how brave she is for her to be able to slap a huge tall handsome dude like me.

I watched her run out of the bathroom with her soapy body shouting, gosh I can't stop laughing.

Best prank ever! damn I nailed it! I thought as I laughed to my self.

I can't believe that she could be so scared to the extent that she ran out shamelessly crying like a kid.

Feels so good.

I brought out my phone from my pocket as I started recording her madness as I heard them laughing instead of asking some questions.

They brought out there phones as they snapped pictures of her and posted on the internet with lots of funny captions.

I watched her as she ran shamefully into her room with her breast and butt bouncing.

I laughed back to my room as I saw Jimin on top of the bed on his night wear pants.

"Jimin didn't you hear the noise out side?" I asked still laughing as I sat beside him.

"Taehyung, I'm sure you pranked her what did you do to the innocent girl!" He shouted angrily at me.

"Just a very simple prank tricks" I bragged.

"Why did you behave so wicked!, can't you see she's a girl?, you should know girls are always like that!!, no matter how a brave a girl behaves doesn't mean she won't be scared, man you really embarrassed her" He said in a Moody tone.

"Enough of all this!, if you like her that much why don't you just approach her, when it comes to that Jisoo girls topic you suddenly become a saint like seriously I hate it!" I shouted angrily as he ignored me and turned facing the wall.

Jisoo POV

I drove home with Sana early at 5am to be able to have a peaceful and comfortable sleep.

I got into my room and kept my bag on the floor as I fell to My queen size bed.

Damn I have missed the softness of my foam, I lay down as I covered myself with my thick duvet and slept soundly.

My alarm woke me up by 6:00 for workout which got me pissed off, I was so weak and tired.

I turned off the alarm and covered my face with the duvet and slept off.

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