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Every body laughed so hard as I ran out of the class to the rest room, why did this happen in front of that weird lady?

Gosh I don't think I will be able to face the students again, I will be mocked.

I got to the rest room and had a poop which smells so bad, I can't remember eating anything not good for my belly.

What could have caused such embarrassment? I thought as I cleaned my butt and tried going out of the rest, I still felt like some kinds watery poop is about to come out guess am purging.

I sat back on the water system and cleared my belly for the last time.

I turned to the sink and washed my face, gosh I can't stay here till school is over although its remaining an hour.

I gotta face whatever will happen I thought as I walked out of the rest room to the class and immediately every one brushed into laughter.

"Shitting lady!" Jennie mock me as everyone laughed hard, how did she know that I was gonna poop, is she behind this? No I don't think so because I don't take things from her so she might just be saying it to mock me.

I swear, if I get the person behind this he or she won't like me at all.

I glared at Jennie as she laughed pointing at me.

I sat down shamefully as Mrs Kang sat down with her legs wide open laughing like a fool.

Luckily for me the dismissal bell rang, I quickly took my bag not waiting for Sana and ran to the car am sure she will call her driver, I drove home in full speed.

Taehyung POV

So funny, what a fart!! That girl fart smells so bad what does she eat and she didn't even control her and excuse her self she just released the bomb.

Anyways I fell bad for her, she had to run home because of the embarrassment.

My first day was really awesome I thought as I walked to my car while Jimin went to his as we said goodbyes.

I got home and halmeoni wasn't in the parlour, where could she be she's the first person I'm meant to see each time I come back from school.

"Rose!! Joy!!" I called as they both rushed out in a rush, Joy came out wet and soapy guess she was bathing.

"Joy, go and continue your bath I didn't mean to interrupt you" I said calmly.

"Sir you mean I should go?" She asked in a surprised look.

"Guess you heard me right" I said as she bowed and left in a hurry.

"Rose, is halmeoni home?" I asked calmly

"Yeah she's in her room, she is having a high blood pressure although the doc-" She tried saying as I cut her short.

"Rose you talk a lot, just move aside" I said as I headed to the stairs.

"I'm sorry sir, I will try controlling myself I was trying to tell you ma'am's condition" she said as I looked at her in a breathe and trailed up the stairs.

I walked to halmeoni's room, the doctor was checking her BP and she was looking really pale.

"Doctor, is her BP normal?" I asked

"Nope, she really needs to avoid anything that would make her shout" he said

"Ok" I replied as he made his way out, I headed to my room I was really tired.

I took my bath and took a nap on my boxer shorts.

Jimin POV

I got home very weak and tired, I took my bath and lay on the bed scrooling through my phone, all I saw in the group chat was #Jisoofart, #shitting_lady and all sorts of embarrassing captions.

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