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Jisoo POV

I was so frustrated as I heard a foot step trailing down.

I couldn't look back to check if its aunt Jiwon because my mind wasn't at rest at all, I gotta get that bag back it was a gift from aunt on my thirteen years old birthday and I have always loved and cherished it.

It was a pink designer bag and cost lots of money, I can't afford to tell aunt Jiwon stories about the bag.

She once told me to take the bag when ever am coming to see her which means she would definitely notice the absence of the bag.

And worst still, she puts a pack of a candy with different colors inside the bag.

If I don't get that bag, I will miss that expensive made candy.

Taehyung POV

I was about taking a little nap as I heard sob notices at the parlour.

Who could that be disturbing my brain this cool evening I thought as I trailed sluggishly down the stairs.

I got to the last stairs that gives the view of the parlor as I saw I girl run out as if sad.

I looked at the cleaner named rose my halmeoni's fav I don't know what she really sees in her although I have noticed that she takes good care of granny.

Doesn't stop me from disliking commoners, they stink and always look dirty and they always pretend to be kind I hate it.

Rose was arranging the parlor quietly, immediately she noticed my presence she stood steel looking at the floor.

Rose ain't my age mate though, she could be either 21 or 22

"Who was that?" I asked keeping a mean face.

"Sir I don't know, I wasn't here when she came the Gardner was the one who let her in although she was here with ma'am before she left" she replied.

"What's are name?" I asked

"I don't know her name sir" she replied.

"Just hurry up and get back to your duty!" I shouted harshly making her rush as she left immediately.

Almost immediately Halmeoni arrived with a cellophane bag.

What could be inside, it looks like a cloth or something.

"Halmeoni you are back" I said as she sat down in a smile.

"Yeah went to get your school track suit for sports" she replied.

"I don't get you" I said confused "I never asked for a new track suit" I added.

"I know, you ain't going to your old school anymore, you will be attending 'Seoul International High'" she said as she brought out the beautiful made designer track suit with the school name written boldly at the back.

"Why?" I asked frustrated.

"Because I said so" she replied as she threw the track suit to me as she relaxed on the couch tiredly.

Guess she would need a chilled lemon juice to restore her strength.

"Joy!!, get some lemon juice for granny" I shouted.

"Alright sir!!" She replied from the kitchen as my granny looked at me and immediately removed her eyes.

2 weeks later

It was a Monday morning, my alarm woke me up making me hiss tiredly.

Gosh I hate school!, I've to wake up early everyday again it really sucks I can't just rest my nerves.

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