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The door opened making me jump in fear it was Sana with the laptop What's up with her, this girl shouldn't ruin my plan who knows if they saw her.

"Sana why did you come here with the laptop do you want us to be suspected?" I asked in more of fear than shock.

"Calm down no one saw me, no one is coming anything soon" she said making me relieved.

"So why are you here?" I asked

"Uhmm... The camera disconnected from the laptop so we have to connect it back" she replied as she opened the laptop.

I took the laptop from her and sat on the nearest bed I saw as Sana sat beside me,we peered through the laptop as I made the necessary connections.

We walked out of the dormitory to the convenience store.

Sana POV

We got to the convenience store and ordered caramel bread and a cup of coffee each, we ate and chit chatted happily as the new boy Taehyung came in keeping a mean face as he walked to the back sit, he didn't even notice my blush on seeing him arrrgghh...

Few minutes after he came in, Jennie walked in alone, I have never seen her walking without her team mates before, maybe she does but I have never seen.

I watched her as she walked to the new boy's sit as she sat facing him with a fake cute smile, I noticed that they where having some kinda romantic discussion and suddenly that guy gave a kiss to her making her blush.

wish I was the one he gave that kiss, Jennie always get to kiss it make any new boy her sex partner even Jimin although He is a bad boy and Jennie is a bad ass bitch.

Taehyung POV

Finally I have gotten Jennie around my fingers, although I never asked her out and I will never do such thing in my life, I noticed that Jennie have crush on me so I gotta give her a chance because I would like to have her on my bed.

"You're really good looking you know?" She complimented with a pretty smile

"oh yes I know, you look hot though." I said making her blush

"Aww thanks" she said as she placed her hair on the back of her ear "uhmm... do you have a girlfriend?" She asked

"Nope I don't" in replied

"Huh!, are you serious?" She asked in amazement

"What? anyone can be single you know?" I said

"Yes, but its rare to see single handsome boy like you" she said "are you searching any girl?" She added as I shaked my head in disagreement.

"Nope I'm not searching" I replied as her mode suddenly changed.

"Okay" she said kinda sadly "do you have a crush on anyone in Seoul International High?" She Asked again making me pissed off but gotta control myself.

"I'm still a new student in this school and I started yesterday, so how I'll notice girls around?" I asked kinda harshly

"So you ain't noticing me" she asked

"can still remember telling you that you're..." I tried saying as she cut me short.

"Shhh... Kiss me" she said in a kinda sexy whisper as I kissed her.

"Sugar lips best kisser" I said in s smile making her blush "are you having an affair with Jimin?" I asked

"Huh? Jimin? No I don't really know him" she replied

Did she actually deny my best friend! so cheap of her gosh I hate this girl.

"Are you a virgin?" I asked

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