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No offense going to aunt jiwon house, but how will this guys want to leave me just like that.

Just woke up and decided to travel back because of a fucking God damn business not even thinking about how there only kid feels about it.

"I don't get you guys, why the sudden fast trip? kinda thought you said on friday?" I asked confused and angry

"Dear, no time for much talks just get your butt in there and pack your stuffs!" My dad said harshly making my temper high

"Don't you yell at me! we have workers in this house why can't I stay with them?" I asked in a mean tone

"Because I said so you don't have to ask other questions Sooya, now go in and pack your stuff before I spank your butt hard!" He yelled in a very reddish devilish eyes but at that moment I don't give a fuck.

"don't you dare! I know my way to aunt house so you guys can fucking leave" I said as I tried walking up to my room.

"Honey you ain't going with your car, we will drop you off" my mom said as I gave a devilish smirk

"Whatever!!" I shouted as I trailed up the stairs

Gosh! I hate my parents so unavailable when I need them.

Even when I was little I never got a good attention as I needed...

Flash back...

I walked to the parlor with my bed time story book, I saw my mom sitting on a couch with her laptop obviously engrossed with whatever she was doing.

When I was four 4 years of age

"Momma I'm finding it difficult to sleep, could you please read to me?" I asked as I stretched out the book

"Honey, momma is really busy with work right now, try your best to sleep" she replied as she rubbed my hair softly.

I walked of the to my dads room visibly sad, my dad was so in tensed with the football match he was watch.

Obviously he didn't notice my presence as I walked to him and tapped him making him turn to me in a smile.

"Honey, you are still awake?" He asked as he caressed my soft cheek softly, I nodded a sad yes

"Dad, I'm finding it difficult to sleep right now, could you please read my bed time story to me?" I asked expecting a yes

"Alright dear let's go to your room" he demanded as we trailed down to my room.

Dad read a story for me for some minutes and suddenly started sleeping.

End of flash back...

Damn it I haven't even taken my bath and am really hot, why don't they just chill I gotta bath.

I arranged my stuffs as I trailed down the silky smooth stair case.

I saw my parents giving the workers some kinda words which must be advice, I walked pass them to the car where I packed my stuffs as I quietly sat on the back sit.

I waited for my parents for some minutes as I saw them walking with there bags behind them.

"Put your sit belts" my dad requested as he sat on the wheel

We put our sit belts as we waited for mv dad to start the ignition switch, he put his own belts and drove off.

Putting the sit belts is one of the road safety measure in Seoul and most especially the driver else he will be jailed.

We got to the estate gate as the gate keeper got it opened immediately a black BMW drove out, I couldn't see the person inside because the glass was tinted.

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