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"Jennie, are you okay!! you are turning blue" Lisa said making me confused.

"Just take a look at your self" she said handing me a mirror which I took and to my greatest shock I'm really blue!!

I checked my hands and legs and they where also blue which means I'm fully a blue being right now, what's happening to me!! I thought as I watch students laughing and taking pictures of me.

This is my first embarrassment ever since I was born, I have never been laughed at!! gosh how did this happen.

"Stop laughing at me!!" I said in a teary shaky voice as I ran out of the hall in tears making them laugh more.

My teammates never stayed behind, they can't see me in trouble and stay less concerned.

They escorted me to bath although they waited at the door, I walked to the bathroom sink and poured water on my face hoping it would wash off but no it was as if its my skin color.

Gosh I'm so pissed off right now, how will I face the other students because I hate bad side talks about me I thought as I pulled my dress and lay on the bath tub.

Someone played a prank on me am sure of that but who could that be? it can't be Jisoo because she is dumb but I must get that person.

I closed my eyes to feel the coolness of the water well as I heard some one giggling.

"Who just giggled!?" I asked in anger but no response

"I said who giggle!!?" I asked again

"Its Doyeon" Hoyeon said

"Doyeon, you're out of the team!" I said

"Please, Jennie I'm so sorry" she pleaded but I never replied, I got no time to reply.

Doyeon is the smallest in the team, not by age but by body nature.

She is the cutest among others except me and she acts very quit but she's kinda hot tempered.

Jisoo POV

It worked yay!! I can't believe that Jennie cried! Damn she made my day!!

that dye would just last for 3 hours before it fades but the fun part of is that she would continue turning blue until her cream finishes.

"Sooya,you are a genius!! damn never thought that you could do such" Sana said excitedly

"I'm ready to dance to whatever music you'll play" I said as I deemed my eyes.

"Thanks to the my laptop, Jennie can't plan any harmful thing without us knowing about it right?" Sana asked

"That's right Sana" I said as we gave our bestie hand shake.

"Where could she be?" She asked as she scanned round the hall.

"Maybe at the dormitory" I said as I scanned round the hall and my eyes met with that of Taehyung and he gave me that 'I'm watching you' sign making me scoff hard.

That new guy can't suddenly become a thorn in my flesh.

"pay attention everyone!!" the voice of the head mistress brought us back to quietness

Every where now back to pin drop silence...

"You're all welcomed back to school" she said.

"i want to let you guys know about the basket ball competition with hansky high next week Monday which is fast approachingu"

"calm down you all, Jisoo and Yuna please come forward" she said as I walked to where she was standing.

"to the new in takes this is Kim Jisoo and she is the leader of the basket ball team, if you wish to join kindly meet her and do that quickly because we are starting the training tomorrow which is Wednesday" she said as she made me go back to my sit.

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