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Jisoo POV

"Well well well, who do we have here" Aunt said in a smile as I smiled back and ran to give her a hug.

"I missed you aunt" I said as I released her from the hug as we had our sits.

"welcome to my humble home" she said in a huge cute smile.

"Thanks ma'am" Sana said.

"So Jisoo, who is this pretty girl?" She asked.

"Uhmm.... this is my best friend Sana and she attends Seoul International High" I replied.

"Oh such a bad how come I don't know you?, what's your parents name?" She asked.

"Mr&Mrs Minatozaki " Sana said.

"Oh Kosaku Minatozaki the Detective" she said.

"Yes ma'am" Sana replied.

"Nice to see you dear, you are always welcomed here" she said.

"Sooya, I would love you to see my grand son but he just left, you haven't seen him but now you are here I would love you to meet him" she said.

"Oh I would love to!" I replied excitedly as the door cracked opened.

I looked at the door as a slim average height man walked in dressed like a Gardener.

"Ma'am the delivery man is here" he said.

"Let him in please" she said as he bowed and walked out as the delivery man came in.

"Hello ma'am, I got your hot dogs" he said.

"Joy!!" She called out as the supposed Joy rushed out of the kitchen.

"Yes ma'am" she said as she lowered her head.

"Take those stuffs from him and keep it properly" she said.

"Alright ma'am" Joy replied as she took the hot dogs and hurriedly left to the kitchen.

I guess something is on fire.

"What would you guys love to eat?" She asked with a smile.

"Uhmm... a glass of pineapple juice will do" I said in a smile.

"I will go with a mixed fruit juice" Sana said.

"Alright then" she said with a smile.

"Rose!!" She called out as rose rushed out of a room which seems to be hers.

"Yes ma'am" she said.

"ma'am you really need to stop shouting that's what the doctor said" she added.

"I always forget, I can't control it" Aunt replied with a smile.

Guess she's really friendly with this rose girl, she's really pretty and looks kind and caring.

"Rose could you please get this ladies, mixed fruit juice and pineapple juice?" She asked.

"Sure ma'am" she bowed and headed to the bar.

Taehyung POV

Jimin has really made my day, all the afternoon in his house has been fun filled, we have been playing a video game and his really winning over me.

"Such a fool!! pass the ball!" I shouted operating the game pad with full force

"You're their man, pass the ball!!" Jimin shouted so engrossed in the game.

"Oh gosh you guys should stop being useless damn!!" I shouted angrily.

"Goal!!!" He shouted excitedly leaving me in Awe, what the fuck!, this guy really washed me.

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