Chapter Eight

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"I can't believe I'm doing this," Elizabeth whined.

I struggled to adjust my tie, never sure of my appearance without a reflection. "This isn't exactly fun for me. I thought once I was past the 1950s, I wouldn't need to wear a suit again."

One of the minor problems of these gatherings was the older ones insisted on formal attire. Of course, their idea of formal was stuck somewhere in the Victorian era. As someone who barely escaped dying in the Victorian era, I had little interest in returning to it. But I had run away when I was sixteen to the raucous world of New York theater. It was a perfect punishment that I was condemned to be part of a rigid society for eternity.

"I think you look dashing." Sky beamed and did a little dance around me. They wore a black suit, and unlike me, it didn't make them look like a relic from the time of President Roosevelt. It helped that a bright blue streak added color to their blond hair and some individuality to the dreary dress code. "You should dress up more. And Elizabeth. She's so pretty!"

Elizabeth folded her arms, looking grumpier after Sky squealed. "I'm with Luke. One prom was enough for me."

She still managed to look better than me. Her long red hair spilled over shoulders, a contrast to the stylish white suit she wore. Dressed like that, her vampiric allure was harder to disregard. I could understand why Sky fell for her and with the way Sky was touching her, it wouldn't be long before they were ripping off Elizabeth's suit and enjoying a personal party.

"None of that," I said in a stern way, a little too much like my virtuous mother for my liking. "You can have fun after we have a night out."

Elizabeth yawned and took Sky's hand. "We won't be going at this point. Your mortal probably came to her senses and decided going to a vampire event is the last place she should be."

I hoped that was true, but Charlotte had a determination that was scarier than most monsters. "She's probably having trouble coming up with a formal outfit for this ridiculous occasion. At least I still had this silly suit."

Elizabeth cocked her head, a devilish glint in her eye. "Maybe she's embarrassed to see you, especially looking like that. That kiss showed how she feels about you."

I pulled my jacket off, feeling the mortal sensation of suffocation from the uncomfortable clothes. "You're right. It showed that all this time she was in love with me and I'm her monster prince."

"That would be wonderful," Sky said, oblivious to my vicious sarcasm. "You shouldn't be alone, Luke."

"Don't bother." Elizabeth kissed Sky's neck. "I've been telling him that for thirty years. But he wants to be a cranky old man."

I checked my phone, even though I knew there weren't any messages from Charlotte. "You saw what happened when I had a little of her blood. It's not healthy to be around her."

Elizabeth wrapped her arms around Sky's waist, continuing to kiss her blood promised. "It doesn't have to be the mortal. It doesn't even need to be a mortal. There's plenty of single dead people."

I didn't even bother to answer. Elizabeth knew why I had little interest in relationships with fellow vampires, or rather, why they avoided me. If anyone recognized me at the gathering, it would be unpleasant.

Before I could talk myself out of the plan, Charlotte's car pulled up. It took her a few moments to get out of the car and I waited, hoping she would choose to drive away. When I heard her footsteps approaching, I opened the door before she could even knock, ready to get this likely disastrous night over as soon as possible. The sight of Charlotte slowed me down. Dressed all in red, with a loose coat showing her crimson low-cut dress. Her dark hair was swept off her neck, bringing attention to where I had bitten. The confidence she showed in such an elegant dress left me a little muddled. It wasn't that I was attracted. I had almost no interest in mortals. But the boldness and ease in her skin reminded me of what I liked about women when I was alive. It was almost like Miriam.

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