Chapter Two

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"Are you sure about this?"

Like a gentleman, I walked Charlotte back to her car, parked outside of Jordan's house. She kept a considerable distance from me, her shoulders rigid, as if any second she expected an attack. It was understandable, but it didn't bode well for our partnership. That's why I needed to know if she wanted to back out.

"I am," she said, her faint voice making me doubt her words. "Where do we start?"

I frowned. This wouldn't be easy. For many reasons, I kept myself away from the vampire world. "I can start with someone I know. She's more involved in vampire society than me. If she doesn't know anything, maybe she can point me in the right direction. If you don't hear from me in a few days, that's no reason to worry. This will take time."

Charlotte froze and looked at me. "Am I just supposed to sit and wait?"

I nodded. "That would be the smartest and safest thing to do."

She gave a slight shake of her head. "No. You're only helping because you owe Jordan, aren't you?" When I didn't answer, she pulled her keys out. "So tell me where we're going. This doesn't matter as much to you. Anyway, you don't know my sister like I do. You might miss something when asking about her."

She was right. I found the situation with her sister to be unfortunate, but I wasn't emotionally involved. My lack of sentiment might be an asset, even if Charlotte wouldn't agree. When people were driven by emotions, they made mistakes. Trusted the wrong people. Threw away their lives. There was also another reason to keep her out of it. "Forgive me, Miss Gold, but that might be a lot for you." Her fear was overwhelming and only made her appear more vulnerable. It would make her attractive prey to many vampires. "There's no reason for you to force yourself to do something unsafe."

She clutched her keys and hurried over to her car. "My sister is a reason. I have to find her before it's too late."

I stifled a groan. "You won't be able to help your sister if you're dead. I wouldn't hurt you, but I can't promise the same about other vampires." Her vulnerability would make her enticing to my kind and her anger at us would be the perfect spice. "Please go home and wait to hear from me."

A determined glint came into her eye that even the shadows of night couldn't hide. The resolve surprised me, since her terror hadn't retreated. "Either I go with you or I go back to Jordan and tell her you're not being helpful."

It would be so easy to scare the determination right out of her. She was already terrified of me. If I used my speed, I could have my hands around her throat. That would scare her so much I wouldn't have to do anything else. Except what was left of my conscience revolted at the idea. The poor young woman had already been through too much tragedy at the hands of vampires. I didn't want to add to her trauma.

With deliberate slowness, I moved closer to her, almost hoping it would make her get in her car and leave me in the dust. Anything to prove she couldn't handle it. But although her fear didn't disappear, she stayed. I almost admired the foolishness.

"If you insist, we still need to be careful," I said. "I'll take you to the vampire I was going to ask. She probably won't try to murder you, but I can't make promises."

It was more likely Elizabeth would try to murder me. She wouldn't be happy about my task and would be even less pleased if she knew the reason.

Charlotte took a deep breath. "You can't let me die. Otherwise you can't repay Jordan."

If I were ever going to break my rule against killing, Jordan would be at the top of the list. Because of that frustrating witch, my afterlife was now far too complicated. Now, in addition to playing vampire detective to find Anna Gold, I had to play vampire bodyguard. "All right," I said, hoping no impatience broke through my voice. "I'll do my best. But I'm a lot less powerful than most of my kind. You still want to put your life into my hands?"

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