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Layla's pov.

"I appreciate this kind offer but I would like to kindly decline."

I said as my nerves were on edge.

The thought of Amelia being part of the Mafia,
Was getting possible by the second.

I'm obviously finished and Chelsea will never forgive me.

I also had no idea I had brought a blood into our house.

But she looked too refined to be part of a gang.

She didn't have the gang tattoo or had their usual piercings.

"Can you atleast tell me why you rejecting the offer?
You are suffering, so I don't understand where you coming from."

Said Amelia tilting her head in confusion.

"I really helped you because I couldn't do otherwise.
You don't have to do anything in return."

I said looking at Amelia's eyes with determination.

"I see, anyway here is my card.
When you changed your mind call me."

Said Amelia before calling someone.

Next thing,
an expensive car pulled up,
and Amelia hugged me before leaving.

I put the card in my backpack not planning to use it.

(3 days later)

Chelsea walked in one afternoon and immediately looked around confused.

"Uh? Where is the girl ?"

Asked Chelsea and I remembered that she was "supposed" to move in.

"Well Chel, you will have to sit down for this."

I said,
sitting down still believing that it was all a good dream.

I told Chelsea everything over some tea.

It took her a good minute to react and another to respond.

"Take the job Layla."

Said Chelsea,
surprising me with her deduction of the situation.

"Look I only have a high school education.
What CEO would I make uneducated?"

I asked completely lost at what she meant by that.

"Layla this is a chance of a life time,
Didn't you say you looking for a job?
Yet you turned down a job
that would get you your own place."

Said Chelsea,
very furious and irritated.

"You want me gone? Is that it?"

I asked shocked at her behavior.

"Yes I do!
I can't date any guy because of you.
The second I think you finally standing,
you fall down again.
Now, you just turned down a decent job because of pride?
Layla please grow up!"

Said Chelsea glaring at me, looking at me like I'm stupid.

"I swear to God,
if you don't call that Amelia Oakland and agree to the job tonight,
You'll sleep outside.
I'll lock you out of this apartment."

Said Chelsea being mean and forceful.

She sounded nothing like herself but I guess she's sick of me.

"F-Fine, I'll g-go call Amelia and accept the job."

I said emotionally,
wasn't this supposed to be my friend?

Instead of asking why I refused she just applied pressure.

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