Too Late to Apologize

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Veronica's pov.

I had the roughest month since we landed in a new country. I became too depressed to eat so I wouldn't eat for weeks.

My brother Venice brought in a counselor to convince me, I need to eat to stay alive. I told him that there is nothing wrong with fasting for mental clarity.

It's not like I didn't drink water. Once I was satisfied and fully understood that me and Layla were perminant enemies. It became easier to breathe again.

I started eating healthy and was gaining again and the colour returned to my dull skin. It was no longer greyish but took a rose glow complection.

Venice hugged me in tears relieved that I didn't put my life at risk and died. What ever I felt for Layla had vanished into thin air. I pity her for losing a part of me that would of done anything for her.

Now, I'm a person who will kill her unapologetically if she comes near my family. I wore joggers with a sports bra and went out to train with Ryan.
We first went for shooting lessons in the middle of nowhere.

Than I learnt to throw knives, followed by hand to hand combat. All is fair in war. I'm a small girl so I'm not going to fight fair. The aim is to win at any cost.

(A month later)

My phone rang and I saw it was Layla.
Ha! Bitch is trying to trace me. I smiled thinking about settling my own scores with her. I took one of the burner phones and called her.

(Phone Call between Layla and Veronica)

Veronica: Make it short and quick, I have places to be.

Layla: Veronica, please can we meet to talk about things. I know I've wronged you and I want us to fix things.

Veronica: That's really cute. I don't share your vision. If you have nothing important to say, hop off my bloody line.

Layla: The bustards took Arrow! I can't find her anywhere. I think Emily took Arrow with her and she's not answering her phone.

Veronica: I wish I had a bone in my body that cared Layla. Guess how many fucks I give after you cheated on me?
Absolutely zero. You thought you could break me?
Only difference is that you got rid of my only weakness which were my feelings for you.
Now that I can do with out you, I won't be easy to catch.

Layla: Veronica please! She's my little sister! They took her because I didn't tell them where you live when they came. I didn't give them your fake name either and lied that you out of the country.

Veronica: Nice theatrics, you should be a Hollywood actress.

Layla: I'll send you pictures they sent me of Arrow. I really need help finding her.

Veronica: So you can track me?
You think I'm still stupid enough to dance to your tune?
I'll go throw my phone in the water. Even if you not lying which you are. You deserve everything that's happening to you.

Layla: I'm so so so sorry! I don't know what came over me sending you out.
Can I fetch you at your apartment?

Veronica: Sure. Go look for me in my empty apartment and pretend you didn't already do that.
How's it feel to have lost?
You didn't deliver and they took Arrow as collateral. Ha ha ha ha ha. What an exciting life you leading Layla
Go write a book about it.


Veronica: Sucks to be you, anyway don't waste my time. Don't you have missing person posters to put up?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha you clearly thought they are your friends? You thought I was being stupid to be scared?
I love how the tables have turned.

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